Global Service-Learning (GSL)

Student Spotlight Luth Faris

Global Service-Learning (GSL) provides students with an opportunity to explore global concerns through direct participation in a service activity abroad, alongside local institutions or community organisations that support community-identified needs.

These short-term overseas stints enable students to experience, learn, and serve in a different cultural context. Through such experiences, students gain a deeper understanding of global and intercultural issues, a broader appreciation of the host country, and an enhanced sense of their own responsibilities, both as local and global citizens.

Students may embark on GSL in the following ways mentioned below:

Youth Expedition Project (YEP) is a Service-Learning programme by the National Youth Council (NYC) for youths aged 15 to 35. Projects under this track are supported by the NYC and students can apply for the YEP grant to co-fund part of their project.


These are credit-bearing Overseas Experiential Learning (OEL) courses with a YEP component. Students who complete OEL-YEP courses may receive academic credits.


In light of the COVID-19 situation, NYC has launched YEP-Goes Online (YEP-GO) to provide youths with a platform to continue volunteering with overseas communities without having to leave Singapore. For YEP-GO projects, groups have to complete a minimum of 20 hours of service spread over at least 5 days.


Some issues that students can explore and address through their YEP include: Sector Issues

Important information to note:

  • Teams are advised to read the guidelines in YEP/YEP-GO Funding and Publicity Guidelines prior to applying for the grant.
  • Teams that require assistance from SUSS Service-Learning to fine-tune their proposals are encouraged to email the office before the 2-month submission timeline to NYC, factoring in adequate time to amend the proposal.
  • All projects will need to be endorsed in writing by SUSS Service-Learning before submission to NYC.
  • For list of updated documents required for application, please refer to the YEP website.

If you are interested to find out more about leading a YEP; or have a community partner you would like to work with but are not sure how to get started, do contact us at We would be happy to work with you to incubate your idea.

Jointly organised in collaboration with overseas partner education institutions, programmes under this track comprises of two reciprocal legs conducted in both the home and host country. Students from both countries get to deepen their understanding of the social situations in the respective countries and explore service-learning opportunities in their respective communities.

Look out for more information!

Programmes under this track are curated and arranged by overseas partner institutions. Students attend courses or programmes with a community engagement component that is offered by the partner institution, to learn about specific social issues related to the programme's overall theme, as well as engage with a community determined by the partner institution.

Past students have attended programmes organised by Shantou University (China), Petra Christian University (Indonesia), Universitas Airlangga (Indonesia) which focused on areas such as sustainable and inclusive development, and community building amongst others.

SUSS students are encouraged to gain first-hand experience in engaging and supporting community-based work in a host country through an in-person placement at overseas community organisation or social enterprise.

For more information about Community Engaged Work, see here.

Virtual Internship Programme (VIP)

SUSS offers a VIP for students to continue to work and connect with overseas communities remotely.

Both in-person and virtual overseas community engaged work opportunities will be posted on the Career Development Portal.

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