Core Learning develops, manages and teaches the following SUSS core courses coded "NCO".
NCO101: Living with Community
NCO102: Effective Writing
NCO103: Listen and Be Heard: Effective Communication through Storytelling
NCO201: Learn to Learn, Learn for Life
NCO203: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
NCO211: Data Interpretation and Social Analytics
NCO212: The 'Smart City' and Society
* NCO111: Work and Learning in a Changing World (2.5cu)
NCO112: Peak Performance (2.5cu)
NCO113: Teamwork in the Modern Workplace (2.5cu)
NCO205: User-Centred Design: Human Factors and Design Thinking
Please refer to this page for courses under the 'Engagement' branch
*NCO111 is a pre-requisite for NCO112 and NCO113 (for Full-Time Programmes)
To learn more about the SUSS Core Curriculum and the list of core courses offered by Core Learning and Experiential Learning, please visit the SUSS Core page.
For more information about NCO Courses, drop us an email at
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