Singapore University of Social Sciences

Airport Management

Airport Management (MGMT408)

Applications Open: To be confirmed

Applications Close: To be confirmed

Next Available Intake: To be confirmed

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: To be confirmed

Area of Interest: Science and Technology

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: School of Science and Technology


The focus of this course will be an examination of the management of airports. Emphasis is on the facilities that comprise an airport system, including airspace, airfield, terminal and ground access operations.

Level: 4
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: Every semester
E-Learning: BLENDED - Learning is done MAINLY online using interactive study materials in Canvas. Students receive guidance and support from online instructors via discussion forums and emails. This is supplemented with SOME face-to-face sessions. If the course has an exam component, This will be administered on-campus.


  • Historical and System Perspective of the U.S. Aviation System. The U.S. Aviation System and Activity Measures; U.S. Aviation History and Trends
  • Planning and Funding Airports in the U.S.; Airport Types and Roles; Policy Considerations
  • Airport Facility Planning, Design, Operation; Airport Master Planning: Method and Process; Traffic Demand Forecasts
  • Site Evaluation and Selection; Environmental Impact Assessments; Aircraft Characteristics Related to Airport Planning and Design; Noise; Land Use Planning and Control; Runway and Airport Configuration
  • Airspace, Navigational Aids and Miscellaneous Facilities; Passenger Terminals; Ground Handling of Passengers and Baggage; Ground Access Systems; Airport Capacity and Delay Measures
  • Airport Management
  • Public Acceptance; Public Relations; Media Tools; Airport Marketing Plans
  • Economic Impacts of Airports; Budget Systems; Benefit-Cost Analyses; Demand Forecasts and Revenue/Cost Sources
  • Maintenance Categories; Energy Conservation and Environmental Concerns; Changing Seasonal and Meteorological Conditions; Pavement Designs and Repairs; Management Control Issues.
  • Discuss the various elements of an airport's legal responsibilities to include common law, tort liability, criminal case laws, liens and security.

Learning Outcome

  • Identify, compare and evaluate the various airport types, categories, operational systems; compare and contrast the National Plan of Integrated Airports System with State and Regional Systems Plans, and airport master plans.
  • Explain the evolution of various organizational designs and managerial functions at airports; identify the major areas of managerial attributes, responsibility and expertise; discuss the issues of power and authority as they relate to federal, state and local airport issues.
  • Discuss the sources of funding for airports and airport funding policies in the United States; identify the major streams of airport revenue and expenses, budget types, leases, rates, pricing strategies, and the economic impact of airports; argue the use of pubic funds to support airports.
  • Recite the most significant Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) and Transportation Security Regulations (TSRs) related to the various categories of security measures affecting public safety and the certification of airports and air carriers.
  • Identify the major sources of environmental issues faced by airports, especially noise and abatement procedures, the applicable regulatory guidelines; assess compatible land use programs and policies. Argue the pros and cons of protecting the environment versus promoting economic development.
  • Define the four airport publics. Recognize the various factors affecting the issue of public acceptance as it relates to airports and the aviation community; recite significant programs of public relations, marketing and political actions available to airports.
  • Describe the scope and significance of airport maintenance to include major categories, costs, design considerations, environmental concerns and techniques for dealing with repairs; differentiate between operations, maintenance, and capital facilities programs.
  • Recognize and explain the economic importance and related impacts of airports on the community and transportation infrastructure; explain the role of airports in the local community, the region, and nationally. Develop an airport budget and argue the basis for revenue and expense projections.
  • Explain the selection, role, and uses of an aviation consultant; outline a request for qualifications and describe the relationship between airport management and its consultants.
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