Singapore University of Social Sciences

Critical Reasoning

Critical Reasoning (SCO112)


This course teaches the basic elements of critical reasoning directed towards misinformation and how it exploits fault lines in society. Students will learn about cognitive biases and arguments, corresponding to two aspects of reasoning. They will then bring their knowledge and skills to bear in reasoning about issues in the intersection of misinformation and societal fault lines.

Level: 1
Credit Units: 2.5
Presentation Pattern: -


  • Fake news, ‘post-truth’ and POFMA
  • Cognitive biases, stereotypes and discrimination
  • Arguments
  • Informal fallacies and extremism
  • Healthy scepticism, wokeness and ‘cancel culture’
  • Reasoning about common space issues: self-radicalization, covert racism, and toxic sexism

Learning Outcome

  • State the different parts of an argument.
  • Identify common cognitive biases or informal fallacies.
  • Explain common cognitive biases or informal fallacies.
  • Conclude sensibly.
  • Paraphrase arguments.
  • Evaluate arguments.
  • Apply concepts.
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