Should you decide to defer or withdraw admission after paying the fees, you need to inform the University in writing. If written notice of deferment or withdrawal is given within the cooling off period1, a full refund of the fees paid less $110 (subject to prevailing GST) administrative charge will be given. No refund will be given for deferment or withdrawal thereafter.
1The cooling off period is defined as 7 working days after payment of the fees for the first semester of your admission to the University. To expedite the administrative process for refund, you are strongly encouraged to submit your notice of deferment or withdrawal to Singapore University of Social Sciences in person.
All students of the University will receive a personalised email account (MyMail) and password for access to the Student Portal. These will be sent to you via email within 3 working days after your fee payment. You may then login to your email and the Student Portal to access a wide range of information, including your class schedule, lecture and tutorial notes.
The University has a policy that requires all registered students to communicate with the University via their personalized MyMail account for verification of the sender’s identity. To ensure prompt follow up on your case, please correspond with the University via your MyMail account.
Please download the SUSS Backpack app on your mobile phone to access your digital student card upon your enrolment as a student. All SUSS students must produce this digital student card when taking the examinations.