The festival showcases non-Chinese Language works by Chinese filmmakers for the first time
The Singapore Chinese Film Festival (SCFF) is back for the 7th time! Organised by the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)’s Centre for Chinese Studies (CSS@SUSS), and Singapore Film Society (SFS), the festival will be held over 11 days from 18 April to 28 April at Golden Village Suntec City, Golden Village VivoCity, The Arts House Screening Room and Filmgarde Bugis+.
SCFF2019 is proud to present two new sections: (i) Filmmaker in Focus: Chang Yi, where we will be screening his latest work, an animated movie A Dog’s Life, and his award-winning films Kuei-Mei, A Woman and This Love of Mine, which have been digitally restored and remastered, and (ii) Non-Chinese Language Cinema by Chinese filmmakers, which showcases the diversity of spoken languages and cultures explored by talented Chinese filmmakers.
The 7th Singapore Chinese Film Festival showcases over 60 films from the region. More than 20 filmmakers will attend post-screening Q&A sessions or panel talks. Amongst them is Ms Oliver Chan, director of our opening film Still Human which garnered eight (8) nominations at the 38th Hong Kong Film Awards.
Moviegoers can also expect to meet directors of four out of eight feature films from the Hong Kong films: Jun Li (Tracey), Lee Cheuk Pan (G Affairs), Jevons Au (Distinction) and Jessey Tsang (The Lady Improper) are the new generation of directors, and their films cast light on different social issues in Hong Kong. Among the five Taiwanese films in the Chinese Panorama section, Long Time No Sea is a heart-warming movie for the whole family while High Flash and The Scoundrels feature award-winning Taiwanese actor Wu Kang Jen.
Chinese Shorts Showcase features six collections of short films. The Golden Horse Film Academy Short Films 1 & 2 include eight short films produced by emerging filmmakers who were invited to take part in the mentorship and development programme by the Academy over the last ten years. Some local and Malaysian filmmakers who are alumni of the programme will reunite with highly acclaimed Taiwanese film editor and Chief Administrator of the Academy Mr Liao Ching-Song in the panel talk titled “10 Years of Golden Horse Film Academy”.
In addition to the eight short films, others made by the academy’s alumni include An Elephant Sitting Still (Hu Bo), 14 Apples (Midi Z), Luzon (Chiang Wei Liang) and Firefly (Lau Kek Huat).
Non-Chinese Language Cinema by Chinese filmmakers is a new programme segment this year. We have selected four films, 14 Apples, Soul on a String, The Silent Herdsman and Berlinale K-Plus winner A First Farewell – which illustrates the diversity in spoken languages and cultures explored by these talented Chinese filmmakers.
Our closing film is In Our Time, which consists of four short films directed by Edward Yang, Ko Yi-Cheng, Chang Yi, and Tao Te-Chen. It marks the beginning of the Taiwanese New Wave, a movement of the 1980s to rejuvenate Taiwan cinema.

A paralysed and hopeless divorcé, Cheong-wing needs a caretaker. He meets his new live-in Filipino domestic helper, Evelyn, who has put her dream on hold to come to Hong Kong for the sake of earning a living. Living under the same roof, these two strangers develop an unlikely relationship. As they get to learn more about each other, they also rediscover themselves - Cheong- wing begins to reconnect with his estranged son; whereas Evelyn’s dream of being a photographer is reignited. Together, they help each other through ups and downs, twists and turns, love and loss and experience the different seasons of life. Just when they think they have lost all hope, little do they know, life still has a lot to offer.
The Taiwanese new wave — a film movement featuring earthiness and restrained realism as having had a lasting impact on the world’s movies — began modestly with this installment from 1982, which contains four episodes set in different decades. Though neither the long takes nor the unconventional narrative structures that would become the new wave’s stylistic innovations are present here, it is remarkable how well-developed this movement’s major themes were at the outset embodied here: rural life, loneliness, and childhood are all explored in the first two episodes, directed by Tao Te-chen and a then- unknown Edward Yang, while Ko Yi- cheng and Chang Yi’s broadly comic third and fourth episodes tackle urban life and the perils of young adulthood.
Advance sales starts from 4 April 2019.
General Public: | S$13.50* |
SFS Film Addicts and SUSS Members: (Only for tickets purchased over the counter with presentation of valid membership card) | S$10.50* |
- Tickets for sessions at GV Suntec City and GV VivoCity are available at the GV box office and
- Tickets for sessions at Filmgarde Bugis+ are available at the box office and online
- Tickets for sessions at The Arts House are available online. For screenings at The Arts House, there will be a special discount bundle at S$50 for a choice of any 5 different films.
- Admission to all panel talks is free. Please visit to reserve your seat.
2019 新加坡华语电影节将于 4 月 18 日至 4 月 28 日在嘉华院线、旧国会大厦艺术之家和丰合电影院线举行。由新跃社科大学新跃中华学术中心与新加坡电影协会携手合办的电影节,今年精选了 61 部电影在华夏风情画、纪录片视角、华流短片展、张毅精选展和华人非华语五个单元中呈现献。其中华夏风情画和华流短片展这两个单元各安排了一场座谈会,让国内外电影人与大家分享经验和心得。
本届新加坡华语电影节的开幕片是获得第 38 届香港电影金像奖8项提名的《沦落人》,其导演陈小娟会在映后和大家相聚。华夏风情画今年有8部中国作品参展,其中《猫与桃花源》是能让爸爸妈妈带小朋友进入猫世界的动画电影。片中有一把华人世界熟悉的声音,等着各位老朋友、大朋友去猜猜他是谁。2016 年曾以《冬》参加电影节的导演邢健今年将带着他的新作《冬去冬又来》来到新加坡。大家不妨在映后问问这位新晋导演为何偏好在冬天拍电影?
纪录片视角是2019年新味(新加坡味)最重的单元。本地导演邓宝翠记录新加坡第一所天主教女子华校的作品《从维多利亚街到宏茂桥》将于本届电影节做世界首映。另一部世界首映的是记录面临爱狗病危,主人内心挣扎的本地作品《VIOS》。此外,香港纪录片《伞上:遍地开花》则是本地旅港导演梁思众的最新作品。本单元的另一个亮点是两套来自台湾的记录短片《影像高雄》和《时光台湾 2018》。其中马来西亚导演廖克发在《时光台湾 2018》里的《萤火》一片中谈到1927年新加坡和马来西亚的第一部电影《新客》的遭遇,尤其值得注意。
华流短片展单元这次共有 6 套短片,其中金马短片集 1 和 2是电影节首次和台北金马电影学院合作呈献的作品。过去 10 年金马电影学院每年招收 10-12 位来自华语地区的年轻电影人,当中有不少是来自新加坡和马来西亚的学员。金马短片集就是这些学员这些年来的部分作品。配合这两套短片集我们邀来剪接大师,同时也是金马学院学务长廖庆松来到本地和不同届次的学员在“报告学务长:新马学员的金马经验”座谈会相聚。
今年的经典单元是张毅精选展。张毅导演在 2018 年推出他的新作《狗狗伤心志》,加上他的两部经典作品《我这样过了一生》《我的爱》已完成修复,我们以此为契机推出他的精选展,让大家温故知新。
今年电影节以《光阴的故事》作为闭幕片。这部经典电影在 1980 年代初吹起了台湾新电影的号角。让我们在37年以后,透过修复的影像一起来重温台湾新电影的开始。
不要忘记 4 月 18 日至 28 日新加坡华语电影节与您的约会。我们不见不散!

这是一个关于两个沦落人的故事。中年汉梁昌 荣因一宗工业意外受伤瘫痪后妻离子散,他 认为人生再没有值得期望的东西,而自己也 不值得拥有任何东西。年轻的菲律宾籍女子 Evelyn 因为现实的原因,离乡背井,来到香 港当女佣,也放弃了成为摄影师的梦想。那一 个夏天,这样的两个陌生人相遇相识,感情在 他们的主仆关系中发芽,然而盛放的却是希望 和爱。他们一起经历的春夏秋冬,令他们学习 到底要怎样面对人生的四季。
香港影坛新秀陈小娟的首部长片,描绘一段跨 越国族、阶级、年龄、性别的动人情谊。《香港 制造》导演陈果参与监制,更找来影帝黄秋生 饰演行动不便的主角,还有叶童惊喜现身客 串。片中流露的真挚情感,为严峻的香港社会 底层,带来一丝温暖。

台湾“新电影”的开山之作。四位导演拍摄的四段故事 (“小龙头”、“指望”、“跳蛙”、“报上名来”)构成 了童年(小学)、少年(中学)、青年(大学)、成 年(社会)四个人生时期(阶段)。
每个阶段都有相应的梦幻世界的快乐和现实世界的烦 恼,只是随着年岁增长,两者比例会有变。童年因某 个好伙伴的离去而忧伤的小朋友(“小龙头”),成人 结婚后的烦恼,可能会是因钥匙丢在房里只能穿着短 裤在外面晃动(“报上名来”)。而青春期时被帅气强 壮的大学生房客吸引了目光的女孩(“指望”),进了 大学未尝不会变成另一种模样(“跳蛙”)— 人生充满 多种可能,阶段的人生也没有好坏之分。
公众人士: | S$13.50* |
限新加坡电影协会会员、新跃社科大学教职员、学生、校友(优惠票只在嘉华院线的售票处出售,购票时请出示相关会员证。) | S$10.50* |
- *嘉华新达城和嘉华怡丰城放映的场次门票,可在各嘉华院线的售票处或网站 购买。
- *艺术之家放映的场次门票可上网购票。特别优惠!$50 - 5张票(可选择5部不同的电影)。
丰合电影院线放映的场次门票可在丰合电影院线的售票处或网站 - 购买
公众人士: | S$15 |
限新加坡电影协会会员、新跃社科大学教职员、学生、校友(优惠票只在嘉华院线的售票处出售,购票时请出示相关会员证。) | S$12 |
电影节讲座:所有电影节座谈会入场免费。欲出席者, 请上网 报名
For media queries and interviews, kindly contact:
Associate Professor Foo Tee Tuan
Singapore University of Social Sciences
Centre for Chinese Studies
[email protected]
Mr David Lee
SFS Vice-Chairman
[email protected]
Ms Valerie Ng
Singapore University of Social Sciences
Senior PR Manager
[email protected]
For more information on latest programme updates, please visit:
About the Singapore University of Social Sciences
SUSS is an autonomous university with a rich heritage in providing lifelong, learner- centric and industry-relevant education. Our mission is to champion lifelong education to develop future thinkers and leaders to their fullest potential through our 3H’s education philosophy – ‘Head’ for professional competency with applied knowledge, ‘Heart’ for social awareness of the needs of the society, and ‘Habit’ for passion towards lifelong learning.
We offer more than 70 undergraduate and graduate programmes, available in full- and part-time study modes which are flexible, modular and multi-faceted in learning experience to cater to both fresh school leavers and adult learners. We also launched a broad range of continuing education and training modular courses for the professional skills and knowledge upgrading of our workforce.
Our programmes and courses are made available through our five schools:
- School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences,
- School of Business,
- S R Nathan School of Human Development,
- School of Law, and
- School of Science -and Technology.
To date, over 30,000 graduates have chosen SUSS as their university of choice. Each year, over 15,000 students are pursuing their part- and full-time studies with us. For more information on SUSS, please visit
跃大目前共设有五所学院,分別是商学院、科技学院、人文与行为科学学院、纳丹人力发展学院和法学院 。其中与华文有关的课程包括汉语言文学学士、华文教育学士、学前华文教育学士和翻译及传译学士等学位课程。学校采用灵活的、以实用为主的教学方法,提供超过七十个、横跨多个领域的大学学位课程。跃大採取开放式的学习系统,学员可以灵活安排学习时间、地点和进度,上课非强制性,从而消除在职人士学习时所面临之障碍。详尽的信息请阅览大学网站
About the Singapore Film Society
Singapore Film Society (SFS) is the largest organiser of film festivals in Singapore. They have collaborated with a wide range of partners from theatrical distribution, diplomatic missions, academic and cultural institutions to present the best of international cinema in Singapore. SFS is renowned and popular for its leading-edge programming and organizational skills in film festival management and marketing.
Some of our key events include the annual European Union Film Festival, Japanese Film Festival, and the Singapore Chinese Film Festival. The mission statement of the Singapore Film Society has been to promote film appreciation as art and entertainment, as we hope to bridge the gap between art house cinema and the commercial film industry.
六十多年来,新加坡电影协会致力与各外交大使馆、电影发行商、文化以及学术机构一同合作播放并推广国际电影。其中常年主办的影展活动包括欧盟影展、动画影展、日本电影节以及新加坡华语电影节。新加坡电影协会致力提倡把电影欣赏作为一个艺术娱乐兼具的活动来推广, 也期望艺术电影和电影产业可以作更深的结合。