On 26 August 2017, the School of Arts & Social Sciences (SASS) hosted this year's edition of the biennial Language in Singapore forums, titled Storying Change: Narratives of Today and Tomorrow. The Guest-of-Honour was Dr Janil Puthucheary, Senior Minister of State, Ministries of Education and of Communication & Information, who is no stranger to national discourse on the languages, identities and cultures of Singapore. Five prominent speakers from the fields of language, literature, translation and media shared stories about change as seen through political, social, economic and personal lenses. The forum attracted a crowd of 230, comprising students, teachers, practitioners, academics and policymakers.
Following the sharing of narratives by five speakers about changes in society, policies and practices in relation to Singapore's four official languages and the field of translation and media, the panel discussion saw the audience exchanging views and ideas with the panellists on the shifting landscapes of the languages, identities and cultures of Singapore and how they will continue to evolve in the future.

(From left) Mr Arun Mahizhnan, Mr Yatiman Yusof, Associate Professor Ludwig Tan, Professor Hong Hai, Professor Cheong Hee Kiat, Senior Minister of State Dr Janil Puthucheary, Associate Professor Genice Ngg, Ms Loh Woon Yen, Ms Jean Tay, Dr Soe Marlar Lwin, Associate Professor Lim Beng Soon.