NTUC First Campus (NFC) and SUSS have jointly launched on 29 June 2020 the first-of-its-kind Early Childhood Education Leadership (ECEL) Certificate in the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) sector, and taken the lead in uplifting the quality of education leaders and childcare practices. This breakthrough programme places emphasis on both knowledge acquisition, as well as ongoing on-the-job application, and benefits more than 400 ECCE leaders over five years.
Pre-school professionals who successfully complete this programme will be jointly awarded a Certificate in Early Childhood Education Leadership by NFC and SUSS. With this certificate, those who aspire to pursue a Bachelor of Early Childhood Education programme with SUSS will be given a credit recognition of 40 credit units from the ECEL. In addition, eligible NFC staff who are taking the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education programme and meet the criteria can apply for another 20 credit units under Recognition for Prior Learning based on NFC’s Memorandum of Understanding with SUSS in 2018.
Through this collaboration, NFC and SUSS aim to build strong education leaders by enabling them to construct knowledge through inquiry and apply theory into practice at their workplaces so that they can be exemplary practitioners of key skills that uplift childcare practices in the sector.