Singapore University of Social Sciences

Feature Writing

Feature Writing (COM353)


If you ask the question ""how and why"" things happen, then you probably like reading feature stories in newspapers and magazines. A feature takes an in-depth look at what’s going on behind the news. It may be a profile of a person or a group; an athlete, a performer, a politician, or a community worker or a team, a theatre group or a political organization.

Level: 3
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN
E-Learning: BLENDED - Learning is done MAINLY online using interactive study materials in Canvas. Students receive guidance and support from online instructors via discussion forums and emails. This is supplemented with SOME face-to-face sessions. If the course has an exam component, this will be administered on-campus.


  • Introduction
  • Feature stories - feature writing
  • Research and Interview
  • Review - Writing preparation
  • Feature writing for newspapers
  • Feature writing for magazines

Learning Outcome

  • Write feature stories and news articles
  • Propose conceptual frameworks of feature writing for finished stories
  • Apply appropriate style and structure to developing the feature writing
  • Use genre-appropriate techniques of feature writing to enhance the effectiveness of the story
  • Design various types of features
  • Construct the story development process for features
  • Discuss issues pertaining to the feature writing to improve effectiveness of writing in the professional workplace
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