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Post Work Attachment (WA)


The grades for the WA are Pass with Distinction, Pass and Fail, based on the criteria given in WA Assessment. Students who self-sourced their WA will be given additional credit in the WA Assessment, which may or may not affect their overall WA grade.

Students who had secured and accepted a Priority Offer or Graduate Job Offer will be awarded a "Pass", subject to submission of documents related to WA placement. To aim for a Pass with  Distinction, these students may continue with the WA Assessment Centre. 

Students can refer to the "WA Guidelines for Students" under 'File Depository', via the Kinobi@SUSS, to find out how they will be assessed for their WA.

WA Assessment


Students on WA must complete all of the following within the stipulated deadlines:

  • WA Learning Journal 

Comprising of the first half of your WA to be uploaded to Kinobi@SUSS in one Word document before your Mid-Term Review (MTR), whichever is earlier. The learning journal template can be downloaded here.

  • WA Final Assessment by Host Organisation (HO)

To be completed and signed by the WA Supervisor, and uploaded to Kinobi@SUSSwithin 14 calendar days after completing the WA. Students can access the final assessment here.

  • WA Final Report

To be sighted by the WA Supervisor to permit redaction of any confidential information and uploaded to Kinobi@SUSSwithin 14 calendar days after completing the WA. Students can access the final report here.

  • WA Assessment Centre

Scheduled to take place in every semester. Students are to look out for the invitation e-mail from CD to register for the session which will be sent out at the beginning of every semester.


Counselling Session

Students shall have to attend a Counselling Session with his / her WA Mentor if any of the following occurs:

a) Late submission of WA Learning Journal

b) Late submission of signed WA Final Assessment by HO

c) Late submission of WA Final Report

d) Unsatisfactory performance feedback by HO / WA Mentor

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

Students need to undergo this if any of the following occurs:

  • Failure to attend a Counselling Session with his / her WA Mentor within one month from the date of the notice;
  • Resignation from HO before completing WA; 
  • Termination by HO during WA before completing WA; or
  • Unsatisfactory performance feedback by HO or WA Mentor.
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