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Professional Readiness Experience

SkillsFuture Work Study Degree Programme (Intake 2023 onwards)

What is SkillsFuture Work-Study Degree Programme?

The SkillsFuture Work-Study Degree (WSDeg) programme aims to provide students with a holistic and immersive learning experience that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Through a carefully designed curriculum and robust assessment process, students can acquire in-depth professional skills that are essential for their future careers.

For more information, you may click here to download the Professional Readiness Experience Guidelines infographic and here for the detailed document.


With the completion of work-study, students can earn academic credit units (CUs) that will contribute to fulfilling their degree requirements. Ultimately, this program aims to nurture graduates who are career-ready and can contribute effectively and meaningfully to their respective industries.

Work Study Degree Programme Structure

WSDeg is open to individuals who have been successfully matriculated in SUSS in the following programmes:

Work Study Degree Programme Approved Majors


Students undertaking WSDeg will:

  • Build relationship that are helpful for full-time career upon graduation;
  • Fulfil the Work Attachment (WA) graduation requirement;
  • Gain 1-year working experience and acquire skills aligned to your matriculated degree programme;
  • Graduate in 4 years or earlier;
  • Receive stipend and/or other benefits during the 12-month OJT

For students:

Intake 2023 onwards (Under CD): Contact

Intake 2022 and before: Please refer here for more information.

Q: How do I qualify for WSDeg programme as a full-time student?

A: Student must ensure that your major is approved for the WSDeg programme. Additionally, student must fulfil all academic and non-academic prerequisites for WSDeg and secure a full-time internship with a company that offers a job scope in your major with an Industry Applied Project (IAP).


Q: How would the fees for the WSDeg (CDO381) be billed?

A: The payment CDO381 Work-Study and Industry Readiness (30 CUs) will be billed upon successful eCR in the second half of 12-month OJT.


Q: During WSDeg 12-month OJT, can i eCR for other modules?

A: Yes. Full-time students can sign up for a max of 30 CUs during the normal semester and 10 CUs during the special semester. However, given the full-time workload, students are encouraged to only sign up for one or two modules per semester.


Q: Do I look for WSDeg company by myself?

A: Students have the option to either self-source a company or explore opportunities posted on SUSS Career Portal.


List of partners WSDeg


Get in Touch

For more information regarding Work Study Degree Programme, contact SUSS Career Development.


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