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Student Life

Nurturing an inclusive environment that supports individual needs and enables students to realise their aspirations and positively impact others

About Student Life

Student Life FrameworkAt SUSS, we believe that every student has the potential to achieve great things in life - both personally and for the wider community.

Student Life (STL) aims to create an enabling culture that empowers students to maximise their personal potential. This is realised by supporting students to strengthen their well-being, and helping students develop their unique potential to contribute actively to SUSS and the wider Community.

Programmes offered by the Office are structured using a “4S” approach:

  1. Support - Building a sustained community of peer support and practice.
  2. Sustainability - Enabling a culture of stewardship and advocacy leadership for social good.
  3. Safety - Promoting a safe campus for the SUSS student community.
  4. Skills - Developing students’ unique potential through the acquisition of life skills.

With the intentional design and delivery of our experiential learning programmes, STL helps students discover their strengths and realize their potential to contribute actively to SUSS and the wider community.

We are excited and look forward to facilitating our students’ journey to achieve personal success at SUSS!

Student Care

Student Development

Funding & Awards

Office-Administered Grants
Student Life offers funding support for: approved student-initiated project that benefit either the SUSS and/or external community.

Campus Project Fund

The Fund promotes student involvement and contribution within SUSS by creating opportunities for students to initiate and lead projects. Students are encouraged to initiate projects with the following outcome:

  • Demonstrate at least one core value of RAISE: Respect, Adaptability, Integrity, Service, Empathy.
  • Build or increase sense of belonging of students within the SUSS Community.
  • Promote social inclusion and cohesion among students.

Students/Student Groups should adopt sustainability practices (i.e. reducing the consumption of single-use disposables and encouraging the usage of reusable items) into their projects.

Quantum & Coverage

Campus project fund seed funding can be used for

  • Event logistics, equipment and materials
  • Refreshments (for participants only)
  • Publicity (production of posters, EDMs, photography etc)
  • Prizes

Successful student group applicants will receive funding support of up to 100% of the supported cost or $500 per project (whichever is lower). 

How to Apply?

To apply for the Campus Project Fund, students must submit the following documents to Student Life:

  1. Campus Project Subsidy and Proposal Form
  2. Annex A: List of Participating Students
  3. Annex B: List of Items and Budget Breakdown
  4. Annex C: Programme Outline (if applicable)

Applications should be submitted at least two months before the proposed event date. 

Please note that there is a maximum number of projects SUSS can support each year.

Example of Past Initiatives

  • Fitness Fiesta 2022: A collaboration between SUSS OWLs and various CGs, the event encouraged fitness in a fun and engaging manner through the various activity stations. The aim was to promote physical and mental well-being through engaging in sports/physical activities, impart important values that students can gain through sports/physical activity, and served as an avenue for students to relieve stress before the upcoming exam period.
  • SUSS Mascot Challenge 2017/2018: A student-initiated project that was conceptualised to bring together the SUSS Full-time students in spirit and identity. The aim was to have a SUSS mascot that will reflect the core values of SUSS as well as the 3Hs.
  • Project Collegiate: Created in 2015 in a bid to improve the identity and cohesiveness of the school. The student group aspired to leave a legacy for their very young college, and create a symbol that then-UniSIM College students could identify with. A T-Shirt Design competition was launched, with prizes for the best designs, before UC shirts were then printed and sold to any interested students.

Sports for Good Fund

The Fund supports SUSS Student Groups, Competition & Interest Groups in implementing sporting-related events that will serve the underserved in SUSS or external community (e.g. children, youth, elderly, special needs, migrant workers, etc).

The proposed event will need to fulfil the following outcomes:

  • Demonstrate how the team will leverage on sporting skills to organise sporting activities for their chosen beneficiary.
  • Demonstrate at least one core value of RAISE: Raise, Adaptbility, Integrity, Service, Empathy.

Quantum & Coverage

The Fund aims to defray the cost of organising sporting-related events which include:

  • Event logistics, equipment and materials
  • Refreshments (for participants only)
  • Publicity (production of posters, EDMs, photography etc)
  • Prizes

Successful student group applicants will receive funding amounts between $500 to $2000 (subject to STL's approval) 

How to Apply?

To apply for the Sports for Good Fund, students must submit the following documents to Student Life:

  1. Sports for Good Application Form
  2. Annex A: List of Participating Students
  3. Annex B: List of Items and Budget Breakdown
  4. Annex C: Programme Outline (if applicable)

Applications should be submitted at least two months before the proposed event date. 

External Awards
Interested SUSS students can apply for awards offered by external organisations.

Outward Bound Singapore Leadership And Service Award

The Outward Bound Leadership and Service Award celebrates and recognises youths with outstanding contributions in leadership and service within our community. Outstanding student leaders are offered a scholarship to participate in the internationally-renowned 21-day OBS Classic Challenge Course and are required to fulfil a 3-month post-course service project.

Youths will get to hone their leadership capabilities and broaden their community perspectives by implementing projects to address community needs. For more information about the OBS Leadership and Service Award, see here.

The internationally recognised Award is designed to encourage and motivate young people to develop personal qualities of self-reliance, perseverance and a sense of responsibility to themselves, society and the nation. There are three levels of the NYAA Programme – Bronze, Siler, and Gold. All awards must be completed before the participant’s 30th birthday, whereby all activities and projects must be carried out before then.

Students are encouraged to pursue the NYAA Gold Level.

For more information about the NYAA Award, please visit the NYAA Website.

Email to Student Life to register your interest in the NYAA Award.

Student Spaces & Facilities

Take a tour around the campus with our Student Leaders, Joie and Gerald exploring our SUSS vibrant campus environment! SUSS student groups should approach their relevant staff mentor for assistance with regards to the booking of the relevant facilities for their events, training or discussion needs.

Apart from the many open study areas around campus, SUSS students can also choose to self-study or have group project discussions at:

Blk B Level 3 Student Space Seminar Rooms 

  • Blk B, B.3.09/10
  • Blk B, B.3.11/12
Venue  DayTime 
Blk B Level 3 SRs

Mon to Fri


7.00am to 10.30pm

7.00am to 6.30pm

*Note: Availability of these rooms is subject to change. A notice will be posted outside the room to indicate the room's non-availability during certain periods.

Blk C Seminar Rooms 

  • All Blk C Level 4 SRs
Venue Day  Time
Blk C Level 4 SRsMon to Fri8.30am to 5.30pm

*Note: All SUSS students, faculty, staff and associates can access the room during the free access period. The rooms can be used for collaborative department/division meetings, group discussions, project work, self-study, study groups, tutoring sessions or knowledge-sharing workshops.

As these rooms are self-managed by students, we seek your kind cooperation to:

  • Maintain cleanliness of the rooms at all times:
    • Do not dispose of food trash in the bin inside the seminar room
    • Make sure the tables and chairs are clean
    • Erase the whiteboard after using
  • Be considerate to other users:
    • Arrange the tables and chairs in their original setting after using
    • Maintain a conducive study environment for all e.g. do not play loud music or discuss loudly when there are other students in the room
  • Take care of your own personal belongings:
    • SUSS will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any personal items/belongings
  • Remember to switch off the lights and air-con if you are the last person to leave the room
  • Report any damage or technical issues to Service Desk at 6248 9090

SUSS Library

  • SUSS Library is located at Blk C, Level 2, C.2.02
 Library Extended Opening Hours DayTime 
7 October to 22 November 2024

Mon to Fri



9.00am to 10.30pm

9.00am to 9.00pm

9.00am to 5.00pm

*Closed on Public Holidays.

 Library Opening Hours DayTime 


(12 August to 6 October 2024)

Mon to Fri


9.00am to 9.00pm

9.00am to 5.00pm

23 November 2024Sat9.00am to 5.00pm

Semester Break

(25 November 2024 to 12 January 2025)

Mon to Fri9.00am to 5.00pm

*Closed on Sundays, Public Holidays and University Shutdown Days.

For more information, please refer to SUSS Library Opening Hours webpage.

There are study spaces, 5 discussion rooms and 2 call pods available at the Library. Go to Library Facilities webpage for more information about library spaces.

SIM Library Group Discussion Room
To facilitate private group work and discussions, students* can make bookings for SIM library group discussion room (max capacity: 6) at Blk B Level 1. Each student is allowed to make booking(s) of up to two hours per day.

*Note: From 1 January 2023, only students enrolled before July 2022 will be able to access SIM library space and borrow devices. To book a Group Discussion Room, please email SIM library team at to book.

VenueDay  Time
Blk B Level 1 Discussion Rooms

Mon to Sat

Sun & PH

8.00am to 10.00pm


SIM Library Discussion Rooms

Mon to Fri


9.00am to 9.00pm

9.00am to 5.00pm

*Campus is closed on Public Holidays and SUSS Shutdown Days. 

Students can book to use the fitness gym located at A1.11 and A1.14 & A1.15 through this link here. Students can only book 1 session (1.5 hour) per day per gym and are required to bring along their own gym towel. 

For technical support, please contact SIM Student Gym.

Mon to Fri8:30am to 10pm
Sat9am to 12:15pm

*Gym is closed on Sundays, Public Holidays & SUSS Shutdown Days.

Multi-Purpose Sports Hall
The Multi-Purpose Sports Hall is currently not available for booking by students. 


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For more information about the programmes and opportunities for collaboration under the Student SUcceSS Centre, drop us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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