Success Academy

Partners in the Region

About Success Academies


“Collaboration must be our strength, as we must see beyond our ability to achieve alone. Singaporeans must distinguish ourselves as a team, rather than as a collection of individuals. Collaboration must span disciplines, cultures, and geography; the ability to connect and bridge divides must be our defining characteristic, to value-add to a fragmenting and fractious world.” - Mr Chan Chun Sing, Minister of Education, January 2023, Speech at IPS Singapore Perspectives 2023

In setting up the SUcceSS Academy, SUSS hopes to strengthen collaboration and partnership between organisations and institutions in both countries functioning as a nexus for our industry and education partners in the country to come together to co-design, co-develop and co-deliver programmes and/or to collaborate in projects and research with SUSS.

The regional SUcceSS Academies are set up to offer programmes to SUSS students and stakeholders in the host country. This will allow SUSS to expand partnerships with the industries and education institutions, provide support for regional outreach efforts, exemplifying SUSS in its social impact in the region which would in turn enhance the SUSS regional branding and presence.


Strategic Focus

Success Academy Focus
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