Business Intelligence & Analytics


In order to be deployed to teach and develop courses at SUSS, you’ll need to complete the mandatory courses below, based on the role(s) you’ll play. These modules provide contextual knowledge and skills you require to operate effectively in the SUSS organisational environment.

1. Course Leader*
2. Instructor~
3. Re-sit Revision Lecturer
4. Trainer
1. Marker#
2. Capstone / Project Examiner
3. Examination / ECA Monitor
4. Capstone / Project Supervisor
5. Writer
ConsultantVisiting LecturerCourse Developer1. Field Liaison (BSE)
2. Field Liaison Instructor (Social Work)
3. Practicum Supervisor
4. Supervisor (ECE490)
[AD100] Teaching and Learning at SUSSN.A.
[AD108^] Foundations in Learning and Teaching in SUSSN.A.N.A. N.A.
[AD109] Learning Design for Course DevelopersN.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.
[AD110^] Beginning Faculty ForumN.A.N.A.N.A. N.A.
[AD121^] T&L ConversationN.A.OptionalN.A.N.A.N.A.
School Specific Training@N.A.N.A.

✔ = Mandatory ;  N.A. = Not Applicable ; ^Part of the Fundamentals in Teaching & Learning (FTL) series

* All Course Leader appointments including 10CU Level 4 Non-Projects courses.

~ All Instructor appointments and Laboratory / Virtual Laboratory Instructor.

# All Marker appointments (Capstone, Project, Examination, ECA, Continuous Assessment (CA), and Applied Research Project.

@ Graduate programme deployments do not need to undergo School Specific Training.

School Specific Training

These are face-to-face sessions conducted by the Deans / Heads of Programme from the respective Schools in which you have been deployed to teach. They can be in the form of briefing / debrief sessions, course-specific training or role-specific training such as for examination markers and course developers.

The purpose varies with the nature of the session:

  1. Welcome and orientate new Associates for teaching in SUSS
  2. Gather feedback on students, and course content and delivery from Associates
  3. Highlight changes in course content where the course is revamped
  4. Brief associates on important aspects of their roles and sharing of recommended practices

These sessions are conducted year-round. Representatives from the respective Schools will contact you regarding the nature and details of the school training sessions (varies according to Schools). Attendance taken during the session, and/or successful passing of the relevant quizzes, will represent completion of this mandatory training.

Note: Graduate programme deployments do not need to undergo School Specific Training.

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