Ludwig Tan

Associate Professor Ludwig Tan

​Associate Professor, English Language and Literature

School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences

Educational Qualifications

PhD (Linguistics), University of Cambridge, UK

PGDE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

MPhil (Linguistics) (Distinction), University of Cambridge, UK

BA (1st Class Hons) English Language and Linguistics, University of Lancaster, UK

Diploma with Merit (Mass Communication), Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore

Academic and Professional Experience

2024 - Present

Deputy Chairman, Speak Good English Movement, Singapore

2019 - 2024

Dean, School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences, Singapore University of Social Sciences

2022 - Present

Vice-President, Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics (SAAL)

2020 - 2022

President, Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics (SAAL)

2011 - 2018

Vice-Dean, School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences, Singapore University of Social Sciences


Head, English Programmes, School of Arts and Social Sciences, SIM University, Singapore

2008 - 2011

Assistant Professor, English Language and Literature Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

2004 - 2008

Teaching Associate, English Language and Literature Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Tan, L. & Quek, J. (2024). The Speak Good English Movement: a reflection and commentary, Asian Englishes 26(3), 697–707.

Seilhamer, M., Loh, J. and Tan, L. (2024). Singapore English: negotiating its place, use, and development – editors’ introduction, Asian Englishes 26(3), 591–597.

Aman, N. & Tan, L. (2018). The Nuts and Bolts of English Grammar. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish.

Tan, L. (2011). Divergences in the English-language News Media in Singapore, Asian Englishes 14(2), 4–20.

Tan, L. (2011). Topic and null arguments in Singapore colloquial English. In L. J. Zhang, R. Rubdy & L. Alsagoff (Eds.), Asian Englishes: Changing perspectives in a globalised world (pp. 67–75). Singapore: Pearson.

Leong, P.A. & Tan, L. (2008). English Grammar FAQs: 100 Questions Teachers and Students Frequently Ask. Singapore: McGraw-Hill.

Tan, L. A.-K. (2007). Null arguments in Singapore colloquial English. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge.

Tan, L. A.-K. (2003). Topic-prominence and null arguments in Singapore Colloquial English. In D. Deterding, E. L. Low & A. Brown (Eds.), English in Singapore: Research on grammar (pp. 1–10). Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education.

Fricker, J., Neville, F., & Tan, L. (Eds.). (2002). Dance of the Pen: Celebrating Fifty Years of the Society for Italic Handwriting, 1952–2002. London: The Society for Italic Handwriting.

2012 - Present
Member, Steering Committee, Speak Good English Movement, Singapore

2008 - 2011
Consultant and adviser, Speak Good English Movement, Singapore

1999 - Present
Member, Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics (SAAL)

Singapore English

English as a lingua franca

English grammar and usage

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