Susan Xu

Associate Professor Susan Xu Yun

Head, Translation and Interpretation Programme

School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences

Tel: +65 6248 9360

Email: c3VzYW54dXlAc3Vzcy5lZHUuc2c=

Educational Qualifications

  • 2015

    Ph.D. in English Language and Literature (with a focus on Translation Studies), National University of Singapore (NUS)

  • 1997

    PGDip in Business Administration, National University of Singapore (NUS)

  • 1992

    M.A. in Applied Linguistics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

  • 1989

    B.Sc. in English for Science & Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Academic and Professional Experience

  • 2006 - Present

    Head, Translation & Interpretation Programme (Chinese/English), School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences, Singapore University of Social Sciences (formerly known as SIM University)

  • 2005 - 2006

    Head, Office of Academic Services, SIM University

  • 1999 - 2005

    Manager, Chinese Programmes, SIM Open University Centre

  • 1992 - 1993

    Lecturer, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Xu, Y. S. (2017).
Translation of Autobiography: Narrating Self, Translating the Other. (Vol. 136, Benjamins Translation Library). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/btl.136 (


Xu, Y. S. (2022).
Choice of words, expressions of mind: Understanding the marginality of translation in Singapore’s public services. Translation Studies, 16:1, 64-83. DOI: 10.1080/14781700.2022.2091655

Xu, Y. S. (2020).
From specialist to generalist in translation and interpretation. MultiLingual Magazine (Sept/Oct 2020 issue), MultiLingual Media, USA (by invitation)

Xu, Y. S. (2019).
Translating foregrounding in literary and non-literary texts, foregrounding translator’s conscious and unconscious thought. Neohelicon, 46(1), 261-283. DOI 10.1007/s11059-019-00472-7

Xu, Y. S. (2015).
The translators’ positioning in an institutional setting: a Singapore perspective. Babel Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation Babel 61 (1): 93-109 (

Xu, Y. S. (2012).
Socio-cultural contexts in translation: A case study of a public speech in Singapore. Translation Quarterly, Spring Issue 2012. 68-96. The Hong Kong Translation Society.

Xu, Y. S. (2010).
When translation technology meets educational technology: The way forward for teaching CAT. Journal of Translation Studies, Vol. 14, 283-304. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Chinese University Press.

Xu, Y. S. (2007).
Innovation and e-learning in translator’s education: a Singapore experience. Proceedings of Aslib conference: Computer and Translation 29, London, UK.


Xu. Y. S. (2022, Jun).
Turning Contest into Consensus: Private and Public Collaboration in Translating Pandemic Discourse in Singapore. The 10th Asia-Pacific Translation and Interpreting Forum (APTIF 10), Beijing. 25-26 Jun 2022.

Xu, Y. S. (2019, May).
A Hybrid Model of Assessment for Translation and Interpretation: Translating Hard Skills into Soft Ones for the Future. Paper presented at MONTEREY FORUM 2019: Translation, Interpretation, and Localization – Mitigating Risks in a Rapidly Changing World. 4-5 May 2019. USA: Monterey, California

Xu, Y. S. (2018, Jun).
Underpaid or undertrained?: Understanding translators’ and interpreters’ dilemma in public service in Singapore. Paper presented at Transius Conference 2018, University of Geneva, 18-20 June 2018. Switzerland: Geneva

Xu. Y. S. (2017, Oct).
Translation of autobiography, autobiography of translators?: Divergent interests and convergent identities. Paper accepted for presentation at the 6th Asia-Pacific Forum on Translation & Intercultural Studies, October 19–22, 2017, the University of California, Berkeley.

Xu, Y. S. (2016, July).
Translating Confucius into English: Can traditional Chinese values be narrated in a Western point of view? Paper presented at the 2nd East Asian Translation Studies Conference, 9-10 July 2016, Tokyo, Japan.

Xu, Y.S. (2016, June).
Happiness is a point of view: A cross-linguistic study of happiness. Paper presented at the 3rd Canadian Conference on Positive Psychology, 15-17 June 2016, Ontario, Canada.

Xu, Y. S. (2015, November).
Beware of the fallible filter and unreliable narrator: Enhancing professional trust. Paper presented at the ATA (American Translators Association) 56th Annual Conference, 4-7 Nov 2015, Miami, USA.

Xu, Y. S. (2014, August).
A foregrounding analysis of an autobiography and its translation: Whose point of view is this? Paper presented at AILA World Congress 2014, Brisbane, Australia.

Xu, Y. S. (2013, October).
Translator’s education and evaluation in Singapore: Paradox, dilemma and breakthrough. Paper presented at Korean Association of Translation Studies International Conference, Rethinking Perspectives in Translation Research and Practice, Seoul, Korea.

Xu, Y. S. (2013, June).
Can in Singapore English. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB9), Singapore.

Xu, Y. S. (2013, March).
“To be or Not to be?”: A foregrounding analysis of literary and non-literary texts and their translations. Paper presented at the symposium Reading the Target: Translation as Translation, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.

Xu, Y. S.(2011, August).
The impact of culture and ideology on translation strategies. Paper presented at the International Federation of Translators XIX World Congress Bridging Cultures, San Francisco, USA.

Xu, Y. S. (2011, May).
A multi-mode approach to translator’s education. Paper presented at the CUITI Forum 2011, It’s Sustainable economy That Matters! and International Conference on T&I Education Development, Beijing, China.

Xu, Y. S. (2009, October).
Winning the RACE: Embracing e-Learning and embarking on an e-Course in translation. Paper presented at the American Translators Association’s 50th Annual Conference, New York, USA.

Xu, Y. S. (2008, August).
Effect of bilingual education on translator’s education: A little red dot’s perspective. Paper presented at the XVIII FIT World Congress, Shanghai, China.

Xu, Y. S. (2007, November).
Innovation and e-learning in translator’s education: a Singapore experience. Proceedings of Aslib conference: Computer and Translation 29 London, UK.

Xu, Y. S. & Neelam, A. (2007, July).
Developing a degree programme in translation and interpretation in Singapore: Opportunities, challenges and strategies. Paper presented at the Translator’s Association of China (TAC) forum The Teaching of Translation and Interpreting, Beijing, China.

Invited Presentations:

The GILT Advantages: Contextualising Human-Machine Collaboration in a Digital-First Singapore.
Webinar on Translation Technology and Localised Translation. Ministry of Communication and Information (MCI). 22 Nov 2022

新加坡本土特色翻译 (Contextualised Translation in Singapore).
Nanyang Girls' High (Sep 2022)

Panel Discussion "Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Literary Translation" (Moderator),
Singapore Translation Symposium 2022, Singapore Book Council (24 Sept 2022)

Positive emotion versus passive attitude: How Yu Dan’s “happy” narrative is translated into an “unhappy” story for English readers (speaker).
School of Interpreting and Translation, Beijing International Studies University, 7 November 2016. Beijing.

Roundtable: Navigating the Singapore translation industry (panellist).
Singapore Translation Symposium 2015, 3 November 2015, Singapore.

Can you be a simultaneous interpreter? (joint speaker with H.H. Lee).
Singapore International Translation Symposium, 16-17 May 2014. Singapore.

Winning the RACE: Embracing technology and embarking on an e-Journey in translation (speaker and panellist),
Singapore International Translation Symposium, 1 February 2013, Singapore.

Training future translators and interpreters (speaker and panellist).
Singapore International Translation Symposium, 2 February 2013, Singapore.

Training and certification of translators in Singapore (speaker and panellist).
Bridging two worlds: bilingualism and translation in Singapore: A public forum. 28 April 2012, Singapore.

An innovative approach in translator education (speaker).
UniSIM Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium. 30 November 2008, Singapore.

  • Member, Chinese Resource Panel for National Translation Committee, Ministry of Communication and Information, Singapore (2018 – present)
  • Member, Humanities and Social Sciences Advisory Committee, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore (2015-2021)
  • Member, GCE A Level H2 Translation (Chinese) Syllabus Development Committee (2019)
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of International Symposium of Bilingualism (ISB 9 and ISB 10)
  • Member of Doctoral Dissertation Committee in the Translation Research and Instruction Programme (TRIP) at Binghamton University (State University of New York) (2019)
  • Completion Certificate, The Translation Research Summer School UK, 18-29 June 2012 (a joint initiative of University College London, University of Edinburgh and University of Manchester)
  • Reviewer of Sin-Wai Chan (2020) Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology. London and New York: Routledge
  • Peer Reviewer. Target. International Journal of Translation Studies (2021)
  • Reviewer of Robinson, D. (2012). Becoming a translator: An introduction to the theory and practice translation. London and New York: Routledge
  • Reviewer for Munday, J. (2012). Introducing translation studies: Theories and applications. London and New York: Routledge
  • Stylistic approach to translation studies
  • Sociolinguistic issues in translation
  • Contrastive studies of Chinese and English languages
  • Narratology and translation
  • Translation of autobiography
  • Translation technology
  • Translator’s training and education
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