Jennifer Ang

Associate Professor Jennifer Ang

Associate Professor

Core Learning

Tel: +65 6248 4382

Educational Qualifications

2005 - 2008
PhD in Philosophy, University of Queensland, Australia

M.A. (Research) in Philosophy, National University of Singapore

B.A. (Honours) in Philosophy, National University of Singapore

B.A. (Merit) in Philosophy and Political Science, National University of Singapore

Academic and Professional Experience

2023 - Present
Associate Professor, S R Nathan School of Human Development

2022 - 2023
Deputy Director, Centre for Applied Research

2018 - 2021
Director, Centre for University Core

Head, Common Curriculum UC

2015 - 2016
Senior Lecturer, UC

2011 - 2013
Head, Social Science Core, School of Arts and Social Sciences, UniSIM

2010 - 2011
Associate Faculty, UniSIM

Tutor, Department of Philosophy, National University of Singapore

2007 - 2011
Lecturer, Hwa Chong Institution

2000 - 2005
Manpower Policy Executive/Career Manager, Ministry of Defence


Ang, Jennifer. (2024) Unforgiveness towards Injustice. Lanham: Lexington Books.

Ang, Jennifer. (2010) (paperback reprint 2014) Sartre and the Moral Limits of War and Terrorism. New York: Routledge.

Book Chapters:

Ang, Jennifer. (2024) "The Autonomy of Technology" in Smart Cities: Philosophical Perspectives. (accepted and forthcoming)

Ang. Jennifer. (2020) "Revolutionary War and Peace" in Peace and War: Historical, Philosophical, and Anthropological Perspectives, eds. Morgan, W. John and Guiherme, Alexandre, Palgrave Macmillan.

Ang, Jennifer. (2019) "Precarious Childhood" in Philosophy and Child Poverty, eds. Brando, Nicholás and Schweiger, Gottfried, Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.

Ang, Jennifer. (2018) "Self-forgiveness in the Grey Zone" in Phenomenology and Forgiveness, ed. La Caze, Marguerite, London: Rowman & Littlefield International Limited.

Ang, Jennifer. (2016) "Unforgivable Evil and Evildoers" in Philosophy of Forgiveness, ed. Lewis. C., Delaware: Vernon Press.

Ang, Jennifer. (2016) "Evil by Nobodies" in The Problem of Evil: New Philosophical Directions, eds. McCraw, B. & Arp, R., Massachusetts: Lexington.

Ang, Jennifer. (2013) "Fighting the Humanitarian War: Justifications and Limitations" in Routledge Handbook of Ethics and War, eds. Allhoff, F., Evans, N. G. & Henschke, A., New York: Routledge.


Ang, Jennifer. (2023) "The Problem of the Responsibility of the 'Nobody'", Divus Thomas, 126 (2), 176-199.

Ang, Jennifer. (2021) "Living Existentially," Philosophy Today, Vol 66, No. 1. DOI:

Ang, Jennifer. (2021) "Sartre on the Responsibility of Individuals in Violent Groups," Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. DOI:

Ang, Jennifer. (2021) "Remembering as Necessary for Forgiving," Human Studies. DOI:

Ang, Jennifer. (2019) “Can Existentialists be happy? Authentic Life, Authentic Happiness,” Science, Religion and Culture, Vol. 6, Special Issue No. 1: 122-129. DOI: src/2019.

Ang, Jennifer. (2018) "Moral Dilemmas and Moral Injury," International Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol.31, No. 2. DOI:

Ang, Jennifer. (2016) "Sincizing the Uyghurs," Peace Review, Vol. 28, No. 4: 1-8. DOI:

Ang, Jennifer. (2015) "Technologizing War and Peace," Peace Review, Vol. 27, No. 4: 469-476. DOI:

Ang, Jennifer. (2015) "Kant and the Responsibility to Protect," International Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol 29, Issue 1. DOI:

Ang, Jennifer. (2014) "Sartre and Hegel on Thymos, History and Freedom," Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, Vol. 10, No. 2: 216-228.

Ang, Jennifer. (2014) "Revolutionary War and Peace," Peace Review, Vol. 26, No. 3: 365-371.

Ang, Jennifer. (2012) "Escaping and transforming consciousness, emotions and the body," Philosophy Study, Issue 8: 527-37. DOI:10.17265/2159-5313/2012.08.002

Ang, Jennifer. (2009) "Thinking and Ignoring Conscience," Philosophy Today, Vol. 53, Issue 2: 204-12. DOI:

Ang, Jennifer. (2009) "Whither Hegelian dialectics in Sartrean Violence?" Sartre Studies International, Vol. 15, No. 1:1-23. DOI:

Ang, Jennifer. (2008) "Why the end of liberation cannot justify terrorism as means: A Sartrean analysis," The Review Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol. 6: 39-65


Ang. Jennifer, Lim. Caroline, & Su. Mille. Creating a Caring Kampung: Rethink how to care and support caregivers, Opinion News & Top Stories – The Straits Times, 17 June 2021.

Ang, Jennifer. "Crossing the Moral Line of Intervention" in Todayonline, 15 August 2013.

Book Review:

F.M. Kamm, The Moral Target: Aiming at Right Conduct in War and Other Conflicts. In Philosophy in Review, Vol.35, No. 2: 85-7. (2015)

2021 - Present
Member, AI Singapore Scientific Committee (Governance)

2020 - 2023
Member, Women's Committee Australasian Association of Philosophy (AAP)

2018 - Present
Logic-based Therapy Consultant

2015 - 2019
Assistant Director South East Asia, Asia-Pacific Chapter of International Society of Military Ethics (APAC-ISME)

2014 - 2018, 2020 - Present
Expert Mentor, Singapore Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Research Programme

2010 - 2012, 2019 - 2020
Member, Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy (ASCP)

  • Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre
  • Existentialism and Phenomenology
  • Ethics in Contemporary Issues (War, Revolution, Terrorism, Genocide, Humanitarian Interventions)
  • AI Ethics and Ethical Smart Cities
  • Of Place, Time, and Technology. Urban Futures-Cultural Pasts. 15-17 July 2024. Architecture, Media, Politics and Society and Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona, Spain.
  • Changes in Space over Time, and Sense of Time and Place. 9-11 July 2024. Association for Asian Studies in Asia. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

  • Invited Presenter. Out-of-Sight: What will our Moral Intelligence look like in an AI world? Les Colloques Cerisy. The Childhood of Tomorrow between the Living and the Virtual. 20-24 June 2024. Normandy, France.

  • Of Place, Time, and Technology in Bukit Merah. 14-17 March 2024. Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference. Seattle, USA.

  • Invited Speaker. Who is a Moral Reasoner? Singapore-Korea AI Ethics Symposium. 19 December.

  • Moral Reasoning and Moral Responsibility. 6-8 December 2023. Ethics of Autonomy in Smart Cities. CNRS@CREATE, Singapore.

  • Technological Rationality and Technological Planning. 20-22 October 2022. Philosophy of the City Annual Conference, University of Turin, Italy.

  • Technologization and the Place of Human Autonomy. 22-23 March 2022. AI and Responsibilities: How are Ethical Standards Integrated in Technical Systems?, Laval University, Quebec Canada.

  • Invited Speaker. Ethics and Digitalization. Charity Governance Conference. 8-9 September 2022.

  • Invited Expert Panelist. AI Governance for Social Good. ATxSG AI Singapore Conference 2021, 14th July 2021.

  • Invited Speaker. Ethics in the Business of Doing Good. In Conversation with Commissioner of Charity and the Charity Council. Organized by Commissioner of Charities, Charity Council, law Society Pro Bono Services and SUSS, 19th April 2021.

  • Invited AI Expert Speaker. Are autonomous weapons truly autonomous? The Global Forum on AI for Humanity (GFAIH), October 2019 Paris.

  • Living Existentially. Dec 2019. Australasia Society for Continental Philosophy, University of Melbourne.

  • Drone Weapons and Moral Buffers. March 2019. The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy. Tokyo, Japan.

  • Bad Faith and Self-Forgiveness. May 2018. 13th Annual International Conference on Philosophy. Athens, Greece.

  • Hasty Forgiveness. October 2016. 10th International Conference on Applied Ethics. Hokkaido University, Japan.

  • Power of Revolutions. June 2015, 6th Asian Conference on the Social Sciences. Kobe, Japan.

  • Dirty Hands, Moral Blind Alleys and Moral Limits. June 2014, Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics, Notre Dame University, Sydney.

  • Kant and R2P. October 2013, Cosmopolitanism and Conflict Conference, John Cabot University, Rome.

  • Limits on Global Conscience: The Responsibility to Protect. May 2012, The 7th International Conference on Philosophy, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens Greece.

  • Constituted and Constituting Freedom. Dec 2011, Australasian Society of Continental Philosophy Annual Conference, La Trobe University, Melbourne Australia.

  • Escaping and transforming consciousness, emotions and the body. Dec 2010, Australasian Society of Continental Philosophy Annual Conference, The University of Queensland, Brisbane Australia.

  • Reflecting on Reflection. March 2009, 2nd International Conference on Character Development and Experiential Learning, National Institute of Education, Singapore.

  • Thinking and Ignoring Conscience. June 2008, The 3rd International Conference on Philosophy, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens Greece.
  • Terrorizing through the language of terror. February 2008, Rhizomes IV: Power, Violence, Language, The School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies, The University of Queensland, Brisbane Australia.

  • Violence, War and Revolution: A Sartrean perspective. Nov 2005, Jean-Paul Sartre Centenary. The School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics, The University of Queensland, Brisbane Australia.
  • Lead Singapore PI. “Ethics of Autonomy and Care in AI Decision-making” in DesCartes: Decision-making of AI in Critical Urban Systems”. Awarded by NRF to CNRS@CREATE. 2021 – 2026. Total work package value of SGD 1.26mil. Total project value of SGD 30mil.

  • SEANNET Project Co-coordinator and Singapore PI. Southeast Asia Neighborhoods (SEANNET) Collective. Awarded by the Henry Luce Foundation Southeast Asia Initiative to SEANNET Collective. 2021 – 2026. Total project value of USD 850,000.

  • Co-Pl. Exploring the Role of Caregiver Services in Preparing and Supporting Informal Caregivers: Using Service-Dominant Logic Perspective. Awarded by MOE Start-up Grant. 2024-2025. Total project value: SGD 19,444.

  • Co-PI. Understanding Attitudes towards Sexual Misconduct. Awarded by MOE Start-up Grant. 2023-2024. SGD 60,600.
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