Kelvin Tan

Dr Kelvin Tan

Head, Minor in Applied Ageing Studies programme

S R Nathan School of Human Development

Tel: +65 6240 8948

Email: a2VsdmludGFuY2tAc3Vzcy5lZHUuc2c=

Educational Qualifications

2015 - 2020
Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work and Administration, The University of Hong Kong
Thesis: The role of humanoid social robot in nursing home for cognitively impaired seniors

2012 - 2014
Master in Gerontology, Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)

1995 - 1996
Master in Business Administration, Oklahoma City University

1990 - 1992
Bachelor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Top Second Upper), University of Manchester Institute Science and Technology, UK

Academic and Professional Experience

2022 - Present
Head of Programme, Minor in Applied Ageing Studies

2020 - Present

Senior Lecturer, Master/PhD in Gerontology Programmes and Impact Startup Challenge Programme, SUSS
Domain Expert/Mentor, Venture Builder, SUSS

2012 - 2020
Director, Corporate Partnership, NUS Enterprise
Director, Business Development, NUS Smart Systems Institute

2004 - 2012
Snr VP, ServTouch-Wywy Pte Ltd
Co-founder, Eyemail Inc Pte Ltd

2000 - 2004
Director, Mobile E-Services Bazaar, HP Asia Pac

1997 - 2000
Senior Manager, M1

1994 - 1996
Technical Consultant (Telecommunication), AT&T Asia Pac

1992 -1994
Engineer, Technical Standards, Telecommunication Authority Singapore

規律運動習慣對中高齡女性在主觀幸福感及科技接受度的影響-以社交型陪伴機器人為例. Exercise Inspire Wisdom, Sports Make the Future Conference, 林嘉毓,林麗娟,陳正見, (4 Nov 2023)

Assessing the different Ageing Policies in the Asia Pacific (Ageing Asia, Oct 2023)

Economics & Society “Man and Aging” (, Economics Society of Spore, Sept 2023)

Technology Acceptance of a Social Robot (LOVOT) Among Single Older Adults in Hong Kong and Singapore: Protocol for a Multimethod Study (JRP, Aug 2023)

A New Chapter of Future Ageing Trends in the Post Pandemic Era (Ageing Asia, Dec 2022)

How to measure Return of Investment (ROI) in Aged Care Technology (Ageing Asia/ASCOM, 1 Oct 2022)

A functional approach to measuring acceptance of social robots among elderly singletons in Hong Kong and Singapore: Protocol Review of A Purposeful Sampling Study. ISG 2022. C.K.Tan, W.Q. Lou, C.Y. Man, Y.Y. Mor. (2022).

Role of technology in the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren in Asia. ISG 2022. C.K Tan, Coco Liu. (2022).

Burnout and intention to leave among care workers in residential care homes in Hong Kong: Technology acceptance as a moderator. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29(6), 1833-1843. Chen, K., Lou, V., Tan, K., Wai, M., & Chan, L. (2021).

Effects of a humanoid companion robot on dementia symptoms and caregiver distress for residents in long-term care. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association Chen, K., Lou, V. W., Tan, K. C., Wai, M., & Chan, L. (2020)., 21(11), 1724-1728.e3.

Changes in technology acceptance among older people with dementia: The role of social robot engagement. International Journal of Medical Informatics (Shannon, Ireland(2020)) 141, 104241-104241. Ke, C., Lou, V. W., Tan, K. C., Wai, M. Y., & Chan, L. L.

Companion robot for elderly residents with dementia: A cognitive behavioral analysis for neuropsychiatric symptoms. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 16, n/a. Tsoi, K. K., Chan, T. K., Cheung, R. S., Wong, Y. S., WAI, M. Y., Chan, L. K., Tan, K., & Lou, V. (2020).

Bayer-NUS "Healthy Hearts, Health Ageing" Reports: Asia Pacific/Singapore/Thailand/Malaysia/Philippines/Technology versions (2019)

  • Mentor, SkillsFuture Queen Bee, Kwong Wai Siu Hospital
  • Visiting Prof, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
  • Fellow, The University of Hong Kong, Sau Po Centre on Ageing
  • Fellow, Taiwan Fellowship Programme
  • Advisor, Chingay Creative Media Panel, People’s Association
  • Advisor, One&Co (Japan East JR Rail)
  • Advisor, Ageing Asia Innovation/Research
  • Mentor, German Accelerator
  • Research Mentor, Science Department Tanjong Katong Secondary School
  • Project Team Member, ibasho Singapore, Health District @ Queenstown
  • Review Panel Member, New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRFR 2022)
  • Faculty Representative, Think Tank, UK-Singapore Alliance for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Committee Member, Silver Caregiver Co-operative Ltd
  • Judge, St Joseph’s Institution SJI innovation Challenge 2024
  • Judge, Age Well Hackathon, HackitRx 2024
  • Advisor, AMR Innovation Hackathon 2023, WHO WPRO
  • Judge, Guangzhou International Innovation Festival (2018/19)/Shopee x NUS m-Commerce Challenge (2016)/Ageing 2.0 HK (2017)
  • Co-chair, Organising team, NUS innovfest unbound (2016 to 2020)
  • Co-creator, SIA-App Challenge/Loreal Innovation Runway/Startup Autobahn Singapore/Ocean of Opportunities/Modern Aging Spore
  • Presenter/Lecturer, PA for Senior Geragogy, E-commerce for Seniors/ PA Senior Academy/ PA Industry Guru
  • Humanising Assistive Technologies for older persons
  • Intergeneration dynamics in Life Course perspective
  • Innovations in Gerontology
  • Old persons empowerment in Community and Lifelong learning
  • Longevity Economy and Dividend
  • Ecosystem Approach for innovators and accelerators
新型社交活动乐龄自强自乐 (31 May 2024, Zaobao)

We need to invest more in home-grown innovations for seniors (20 May 2024, Straits Times)

Hong Kong businesses embrace potential of silver economy with more services, tech for rising number of elderly (13 May 2024, SCMP/The Star Malaysia)

Perspective on healthcare become more comprehensive (9 May 2024, CNA and Channel 5)

Healthcare among Singaporeans (9 May 2024, CNA 938)

武威重离子中心创新打造肿瘤治疗新模式 重离子联合中医药治疗肿瘤“顶天立地”中国方案学术研讨在新加坡成功举办(8 May 2024,,

(30 April 2024,甘肃新闻

FaithActs and Ibasho join hands to empower residents at Queenstown (30 Mar 2024,

Usaha pastikan alat bantuan mobiliti peribadi selamat diguna

How to keep paths safe for all as personal mobility aids become more common (21 Mar 2024,

Ageing in Spore (Mar 2024, Vietnam Television

4,000 nurses hired in 2023 for Singapore's public hospitals as attrition rate rises (2 Jan 2024, Straits Times

Cross-boundary collaboration for gerontechnology and innovation 跨國界合作 展現高齡科技創新動能(

WHO AMR Innovation Week Jingle Video by SUSS students team (6 Nov 2023, WHO PRO)

Are we all bound to live in nursing homes one day (Our Grandparents Stories,, 24 Nov 2023)

Gerontology matures in Singapore: A multidisciplinary Approach to ageing (Silverstreak, 15 Nov 2023)

Is Singapore’e healthcare primed for a bigger, older population? (Straits Times, 15 Nov 2023)

Singapore aging population grows business court older spenders (CNBC, 30 Oct 2023,

Discussion on how Sporeans can best prepare ourselves for successful ageing and retirement, and overcoming the challenges that might come with that. (545pm to 6pm, Radio 938, 13 Oct 2023)

Everyone dreams of retirement – but what does it actually mean for different generations in Singapore? (Silverstreak, 6 Oct 2023)

前线追踪 | 眨眼摆手有温度 “机器宝宝”陪伴晚年不孤单?(8world, 1 Oct 2023/ Channel 8, Frontline Programme 1 Oct 2023)

Silver business: Inspired by their loved ones, they started companies helping the elderly (Straits Times, 26 Aug 2023)

Improved fittings and facilities for elderly welcome, but need to accommodate other residents too: Experts (CNA Digital, 21 Aug 2023)

The Big Read: With more seniors needing care, is assisted living the answer for Singapore's 'missing middle' and their caregivers? (TODAY Online, 30 Jun 2023; CNA Online, 30 Jun 2023)

房地产开发商为高收入年长人士打造首个高级私人辅助生活设施Real Estate Developer Creates First Premium Private Assisted Living Facility for High Income Seniors (CNA, 8World, CNA938,958 Capital FM, Channel u, Channel 8, 26 Jun 2023)

Interacting with robots can ease loneliness for seniors (Zao Bao, Shin Min daily, 25 Jun 2023)

前线追踪 | 公司取消退休年龄 她不调职不减薪!前线追踪 | 乐龄人士重返职场 机会渺茫?
76岁袁国栋博士 曾高龄求职被嫌老(Frontline Channel 8, Jun 2023)

Becoming a Super-Aged Nation (CNA 93.8, 24 May 2023)

World Ageing Festival to discover high potential innovations for a greying population (Straits Time Online, 24 May 2023)

我国人均预期寿命延长但疫情时有回落 Spore national per capita life expectancy has dropped during pandemic (Zaobao, 23 May 2023)

The life expectancy of Singaporeans is decreasing due to COVID-19 (Spore Tonight, CNA, 10am, 22 May 2023)

关爱组屋 灵活单位 安家养老 (Sin Ming, 14 May 2023)

Let’s talk: Singapore's population is ageing rapidly (Radio UFM1003F, 730am, 11 May 2023)

Super-Ageing Singapore (Channel 8 HelloSG, 1 May 2023, 7pm)

How to make peace with grandparents looking after grandchildren (The Straits Times, 1 May 2023)

Why are Spore’s Elderly still dying alone, undiscovered for weeks? (The Straits Times, 28 April 2023)

The Big Read: Under one roof – the perils and promises of living with strangers as co-tenants in HDB rental flats (Channel News Asia, 3 April 2023/Today, 1 April 2023)

Should those who look after grandchildren be paid by Govt? Parents supportive, but experts warn of potential impact (Today, 27 Mar 2023)

Expanded household service scheme: The demand for child care , twilight citizens increased (Channel 5/CNA/FM938, 19 Mar 2023)

学习技能传授他人以加强自信 女皇镇保健区试行日本活跃养老概念 (Zao Bao, 12 Mar 2023)

Talking Point 2022/2023: S1E39: Who Is Going To Take Care Of Our Aged? (Channel New Asia, 26 Feb 2023)

Debate on whether to pay grandparents for childcare misses the point (Straits Times, 14 Feb 2023)

Where are the retired men and what are they doing? (Straits Times, Life Section, 5 Feb 2023)

News analysis: Why the young should take an interest in taking good care of seniors as Singapore’s population ages (Today , 1 Feb 2023)

助失智症年长者勾起昔日回忆, 跃大元宇宙平合让老人体验虛拟妆艺Metaverse for older persons with cognitive impairment to reminiscence Chingay (Zao Bao. 1 Feb 2023)

手把手引导 应用须考虑年长者需求 多管齐下打造亲乐龄数码社会:己为途21万乐龄提供一对一数码技能培训 (ZaoBao, 1 Jan 2023)

Technology and business in Longevity (CNA, Money Mind, Dec 2022)

Commentary: Singapore’s ageing population does not only bring challenges (Channel News Asia, 6 Jul 2022).

The Singapore-Hong Kong experiment on robot to accompany the elderly 新港试验由机器人陪伴独居老 (, 20 Jun 2022).

Ibasho.SG: Find your ibasho “A Place where you can feel like yourself” (, 2021)

Commentary: Singapore slows reopening to protect our seniors because this is who we are (Channel News Asia, 9 Oct 2021).

In Focus: Amid a rapidly ageing population, where the missing pieces in Singapore’s residential eldercare puzzle? (Channel News Asia, 13 Nov 2021).

More companies appear ready for service care for elderly (Berita Harian, 27 Dec 2021).

ibasho.SG: Find your ibasho “A Place where you can feel like yourself” (, 2021).
Programme to Pilot the Use of Social Robots in the Care Sector” specifically in the care of older persons and children with disabilities (Temasek Foundation, 2024).

Virtual Reality (VR) training for delivery of person-centred eldercare services using evidence-based and innovative technological solutions (KWSH SkillsFuture, 2023)

Social robots for Singleton seniors (Ministry of Education Startup Grant, 2022).

Citizen engagement assessment, partnership with The Future Laboratory TsingHua University (UK-China Fund for International Healthy Ageing, 2021).

Deployment of Technology-Assisted Interventions in Elderly Care Home for Residents with Cognitive Impairment (2019).
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