International Service-Learning: A Multi-Dimensional Model For Student Selection

Student selection for International Service-Learning (ISL) at Union Christian College gathers attention of faculty, researchers and Service-Learning developers, as it is a multidimensional model. Its meaning increases when there is proportionally higher number of applicants for a fewer available seats. The selection process, starting from classroom level to institution level, is based on seven-fold criteria, and have been in practice for the last three years. The evaluation is conducted to trace the student’s commitment to society, attitude to community engagements, leadership quality and personal initiatives. The process of enriching writing skills and equipping for designing SL activities for the diverse communities during the selection process by the SL committee prepare the students to meet the challenges in the field. Students groomed under such a method are selected for ISL. Participant students who do not get the chance for the former are trained for in-house SL. They are appointed as student volunteers for the SL of incoming international students.

Keywords: service-learning, international, modelling


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