Achieving Civic Outcomes, Academic Connection, Career Preparation and...
Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) adopted Service-Learning (S-L) as a signature pedagogy in 2016 to achieve the graduate outcomes of passionate learners, big-hearted persons, and global-smart professionals. Indeed, many efficacy studies on S-L have shown promising outcomes in students’civic learning, academic learning and personal growth (Yorio & Ye, 2012). However, these studies have mostly been conducted in university settings overseas. Could we expect similar results if S-L is applied to a polytechnic context in Singapore?
Given the institutional requirement for every course in NP to offer at least one S-L module to students, a team of lecturers from the School of Humanities & Social Sciences (HMS) carried out a study over three semesters (from April 2017 to August 2018) to examine the impact of S-L with structured reflections on student outcomes such as civic outcomes, academic connection, personal growth and career preparation.
Keywords: civic outcomes, academic connection, career preparation, personal growth, structured reflection, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, SUSS, APRCSL
By: Authors