Experiential Learning Techniques... Entrepreneurship for the Poor

The Entrepreneurship-in-Action Service Learning program involves college students to teach the how-to “make money without spending money”. This workshop will share some of the experiential learning techniques we have developed that enable us to train our students to be entrepreneurial trainers. By sharing our innovative service-learning pedagogy and best practices, we hope that others may use our experience to help alleviate poverty in their area.

The participants will experience experiential learning that will teach them basic entrepreneurship principles. The workshop will utilize David Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model (i.e. starts with concrete experience leading to reflective observation resulting in abstract conceptualization that should be followed by active experimentation to go full circle back to concrete experience) through various student-centered techniques such as structured learning experiences (SLE), games, video cases, write-pair-share and group presentation. Along the way, we will share other details of our Entrepreneurship-in-Action Program (i.e. trading & manufacturing projects, workshops, mentoring) that allowed our partner communities to gross over US$8,000 in about six weeks.

Keywords: APRCSL, Experiential Learning, Student Teaching, Student-Centered Learning, Start-up Entrepreneurship, Service Learning

Tags:Community BuildingDiversity and Inclusion

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If you would like to know more information regarding APRCSL, please contact us at aprcsl2019@suss.edu.sg. For other Service-Learning related matters, please contact us at osl@suss.edu.sg.

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