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OpenCerts Digital Certificates and Transcripts

A digital degree certificate and an official transcript that can be verified on the OpenCerts platform have been issued to graduates from July 2013 semester onwards via their SUSS MyMail account.
OpenCerts is a blockchain-based platform that enables the issuance and verification of certificates and transcripts that are tamper-proof. SUSS is one of the institutions onboard the national-level OpenCerts initiative led by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) and the Government Technology Agency (GovTech).

Benefits of going digital:

(a) Your certificate and transcript will be in one place where you can have 24/7 access anytime, anywhere
(b) With a secured verification platform, the verification process by your potential employers or universities is simplified resulting in time and cost savings

How does it work?

Watch this tutorial on accessing your OpenCerts files:

For Graduates



 Step 3_Password Prompt



Where do I view and retrieve my e-certificate and e-transcript?
Click here for the video tutorial on how to retrieve your e-certificate and e-transcript.
More FAQs on OpenCerts can be found here.

For Third Parties (Potential employers or other universities access and verify the e-certificates and e-transcript)




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