Singapore University of Social Sciences

Home Team Ethos, Values and Ethics

Home Team Ethos, Values and Ethics (HTA002x)

Applications Open: 01 May 2023

Applications Close: 15 June 2023

Next Available Intake: July 2023

Course Types: To be confirmed

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: $52.84

Area of Interest: General Studies

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: To be confirmed

School/Department: SUSS Academy


Home Team officers’ behaviour and conduct in the course of their daily work must be driven by a common set of ethos and values, which in turn help to contribute to the organisational needs of the Home Team as a whole. Just as important are professional ethics so that Home Team officers exercise careful discretion in handling various situations and maintain public trust in the Home Team. This course is targeted at new entry Home Team Junior Officers to seed in them a common set of ethos, values and ethics. This would allow them to identify themselves as being part of a wider Home Team entity when operating in an increasing complex and interdependent environment.

Level: 1
Credit Units: 2.5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY REGULAR SEMESTER
E-Learning: - Learning is done MAINLY online using interactive study materials in Canvas. Students receive guidance and support from online instructors via discussion forums and emails. This is supplemented with SOME face-to-face sessions. If the course has an exam component, this will be administered on-campus. To be confirmed


  • Defining ethos, values and ethics, and the key vales of the HT
  • Importance of ethos, values and ethics to HT officers in daily work on the ground
  • Alignment of personal and organisational values
  • Shaping Home Team culture through shared ethos, values and ethics
  • Consequences of ethical breaches and misconduct
  • Dealing with ethical dilemmas, unethical behaviour and avenues for ethical disclosure

Learning Outcome

  • Define ethos, values and ethics and describe the HT core values
  • Discuss why having a set of shared HT ethos, values and ethics matter to them as a HT officer in the current operating environment
  • List and explain the ethical standards/behaviour expected of a Home Team officer in various scenarios
  • Define and describe consequences (legal; organisational – i.e. impact on HTD, Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and Government; and personal – i.e. impact on self and family) of ethical breaches
  • List the avenues/framework available in the HT for ‘ethical disclosure’ and discuss on the means to deal with ethical dilemmas
  • Demonstrate the expected code of conduct and shared ethos and values in daily life and work situations.
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