Singapore University of Social Sciences

Patent Information & Search

CET Course | SkillsFuture Claimable Course

Patent Information & Search (IPM571)

Applications Open: 01 October 2023

Applications Close: 15 November 2023

Next Available Intake: January 2024

Course Types: Modular Graduate Course, SkillsFuture Series

Language: English

Duration: 6 months

Fees: $3000 View More Details on Fees

Area of Interest: Management, Business Administration

Schemes: To be confirmed

Funding: SkillsFuture

School/Department: School of Business


IPM571 Patent Information & Search explores the technical and legal information contained in patent documents that are published by patent offices with the art and science of prior art searches. The course looks into how one can interpret a patent document, assess the implications of claims and apply patent knowledge to support the assessment of patents. Students will also look into conducting prior art searches, evaluating search results and identifying subsequent steps aligned to the rationale for conducting and evaluating prior art searches.

Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • Components and Function of a Patent Document
  • Patent Status
  • Implications of Claims in a Patent Document
  • Patents and Patent Searching
  • Understanding Patent Databases
  • Types of Patent Searches
  • The Mechanics of Searching
  • Advanced Search Techniques
  • Patent Analysis
  • Reporting Search Results
  • Search Tools
  • Using Online Patent Search Services.

Learning Outcome

  • Identify the components and function of a patent document
  • Assess and recognise patent status
  • Examine the rights conferred to a patent owner
  • Distinguish between methods of assessing patentability
  • Appraise the advantages and disadvantages of various search methods
  • Examine the types of databases for prior art searches
  • Analyse the rationale for conducting and evaluating prior art search results
  • Critique the grounds upon which a patent can be challenged
  • Evaluate the anatomy of patent documents to identify relevant information
  • Assess the implications of claims in a patent document
  • Apply patent knowledge to support the assessment of patents
  • Formulate prior art searches using a variety of search methods
  • Evaluate search results to determine relevancy
  • Organise next steps aligned to rationale for conducting and evaluating prior art searches
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