Singapore University of Social Sciences

Good Governance and Anti-Corruption

Good Governance and Anti-Corruption (POL357)


Rampant corruption can cast a shadow on a country’s credibility at any stage of its development. Thus, less developed countries may receive less assistance or investments that results in negative outcomes for their citizens’ well-being. For developed countries, their credibility suffers and this affects not only their international standing but also their ability to attract investments. With the use of relevant case studies, students will have an opportunity to understand how corruption changes a country’s profile and developmental trajectory. They will also be introduced to the various measures governments employ to combat corruption at various levels.

Level: 3
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN
E-Learning: BLENDED - Learning is done ENTIRELY online using interactive study materials in Canvas. Students receive guidance and support from online instructors via discussion forums and emails. There are no face-to-face sessions. If the course has an exam component, this will be administered on-campus.


  • Principles of Governance
  • Understanding Corruption
  • Relationship between Governance and Corruption
  • Enhancing Governance and Combatting Corruption
  • Culture, Integrity and Corruption
  • The Singapore Model
  • International Movement and Perspectives in Governance and Corruption
  • Measurement and Assessment
  • Case Study 1: The Scandinavian Experience
  • Case Study 2: Approaches in Hong Kong and Asia
  • Case Study 3: Corruption Enforcement in Singapore
  • Future Challenges for Governance and Corruption

Learning Outcome

  • Show knowledge of the key arguments with regard to corruption and governance.
  • Analyse the rise of the movement against corruption using existing theoretical bearings taught in the course.
  • Examine both traditional and contemporary theoretical approaches with regard to the study of corruption and governance to determine their value and relevance.
  • Compare and contrast the methods that countries employ to tackle corruption.
  • Apply different approaches to the study of corruption and governance.
  • Explain why corruption continues to be prevalent even in the face of mounting resistance.
  • Discuss plausible ways to deal with corruption taking into account both societal and individual perspectives.
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