Singapore University of Social Sciences

English Pronunciation and TESOL

English Pronunciation and TESOL (TSL569)


TSL569 English Pronunciation and TESOL has two primary aims: (i) To describe the sound system and pronunciation features of English, both segmental and suprasegmental, based on internationally accepted L2 (second-language) models such as Received Pronunciation; and (ii) To discuss and evaluate theoretical and pedagogical approaches to the acquisition and teaching of English pronunciation in an ESL/EFL context. A secondary aim is to raise students’ awareness of their own pronunciation and the potential for modification.

Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY 2 YEARS
E-Learning: - Learning is done MAINLY online using interactive study materials in Canvas. Students receive guidance and support from online instructors via discussion forums and emails. This is supplemented with SOME face-to-face sessions. If the course has an exam component, this will be administered on-campus. To be confirmed


  • Basic concepts in Phonetics and Phonology
  • Classification and transcription of speech sounds
  • The English sound system: Consonants and vowels
  • Phonological processes
  • Syllable structure and word stress
  • Intonation and sentence stress
  • Accents of English in the world
  • Phonology of Singapore English
  • Issues and problems in the acquisition of English phonology by L2 learners
  • Early L2 acquisition: Contrastive phonology and L1 transfer
  • Pronunciation models; the Lingua Franca core
  • Approaches and techniques in L2 pronunciation teaching

Learning Outcome

  • Analyse and classify speech sounds using relevant phonetic concepts and categories.
  • Examine and discuss theoretical and pedagogical issues in the acquisition of L2 phonology.
  • Appraise teaching strategies and materials for the acquisition of English pronunciation by L2 learners.
  • Choose and apply the International Phonetic Alphabet to transcribe speech sounds accurately and reproduce these sounds clearly and intelligibly.
  • Evaluate the pronunciation features of L2 learners with reference to L2 phonological acquisition theories.
  • Design materials for the teaching of English pronunciation.
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