Alibaba Cloud-SUSS Programme

SUSS–EMP Alumni Entrepreneurship Award

About the Award

The SUSS–EMP Alumni Entrepreneurship Award recognises and honours SUSS graduating students who have demonstrated highly commendable entrepreneurial attributes, such as leadership qualities, self-initiation, self-motivation, high level of energy, high level of self-confidence and courage, and resilience after experiencing failures. They also have demonstrated high potential for achieving a positive impact on society.

One to three awards, of up to $5,000 value each, will be given to graduating entrepreneurial SUSS students annually, subject to the quality of nominations.

EMP Alumni Entrepreneurship Award

Who is eligible to nominate?

All SUSS faculty, staff, students and external parties (e.g. investors or business partners of nominated students) are invited to submit nominations for this award. Nominators have to complete this nomination form, and where applicable, provide supporting evidence(s). Nominees will be informed of their nomination and who nominated them.

*Note that Nominated Students MUST be graduating and will be participating in the upcoming Convocation.

What happens after nomination?

A selection committee, comprising SUSS faculty/staff, will review all submitted nominations. Shortlisted nominees will be invited to an interview by a panel (that may include relevant external parties), who will select the final award recipients.

What is expected of the winners?

Award winners are expected to fulfil certain responsibilities, such as performing the duty of SUSS advocates and supporting the SUSS Entrepreneurship programme and activities.


Please direct any questions regarding this award to

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