Events management is a challenging and ever-evolving field, made no less straightforward by recent global health concerns, and the  universally increasing need for collaboration between partners, whether at the industry or national levels. While most have the impression that events centre around business-related matters, i.e., the MICE industry, there are also a great deal of events that deal with community outreach, publicity, or international efforts and the like. Furthermore, one must also consider that in events management, other work occurs in the background, often unnoticed from the front-end — skills such as marketing, communication, presentation proficiency, as well as logistics and financial planning all come into play.

The Bachelor of Science in Events Management with Minor programme is a partnership between the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), Singapore Polytechnic (SP), Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay, and Singapore Association of Convention & Exhibition Organisers & Suppliers (SACEOS). The programme aims to equip students with a diverse set of skills for effective management in the events industry.

Our Edge

  • Preparation for career resilience in events management industries
  • Partnership with professional bodies in the events industry to ensure practical relevance to curriculum
  • Experienced and senior practitioners from industry as instructors
  • Versatile and portable skill sets that will hold value in other roles and industries

Meet the Head of Programme at the live dialogue session to find out more and have your questions answered. Register now!

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