About the Movie

Endgame is set to be the direct sequel to 2018's Avengers: Infinity War. Following the events of Avengers: Infinity War, the universe lies in shambles and the remaining Avengers and their allies must reassemble to repair the damage caused by Thanos and bring harmony back to the universe.




Note that ticket collection and tea reception will start from 5.40pm and the movie screening is from 6.40pm to 9.40pm.
Only first 4 rows left.

Prior to the movie screening, network with fellow alumni at a tea reception prepared specially for you!

* Maximum 1 guest.
* Seat will be allocated based on a first-paid-first-assigned basis, from the furthest row to the front row.
* SIT-TOGETHER requests: Please write in to alumni@suss.edu.sg, if you wish to sit together with your fellow SUSS alumni. Seats will be assigned based on the later paid transaction.


  • Event will not run if minimum sign-up is not met.
  • Alumnus is to present their NRIC/photo ID on event day for verification purposes. Guests who are not accompanied by SUSS alumnus will not be allowed to join the event.
  • Please be advised that filming and/or photography will be taking place at this event.  If you do not wish to appear in any images, please let the organiser know so that we can take appropriate steps to ensure that you are not included.  The photographs/film will be used by Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) for publicity purposes. They may also be included in SUSS publications or in SUSS promotional materials and may also be published on the SUSS website and social media channels.

Terms and Conditions

  • SUSS reserves the rights to use/publish any photos taken at our events on corporate marketing materials or for publicity purposes.
  • Our events are highly subsidised and we have limited capacity. Failure to turn up for an event will deprive a fellow alumnus enjoying the benefit. We greatly appreciate your participation and thank you in advance for joining us.
  • Parking lots may be scarce on weekends. Attending event does not guarantee you a parking lot.
  • Once your registration is confirmed, no cancellation or refund would be allowed.
  • SUSS reserves the right to make changes to the event without prior notice. 
  • Complimentary or free gifts, if any, are on a while stocks last basis. 
  • All information is accurate at the time of publishing.
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