Institute For Adult Learning To Be Restructured As Autonomous Institute Within SUSS

  1. Singapore, 19 November 2018  – The Institute for Adult Learning (IAL), which is currently an institute under SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), will be restructured into an autonomous institute within the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), with effect from 1 April 2019. The restructuring will further strengthen the quality of Continuing Education and Training (CET). 
  1. IAL, an institute of SSG, was set up in December 2008, focusing on i) training as well as continuing professional development and professionalisation of adult educators; ii) conducting research into workforce development and lifelong learning; and iii) driving innovative practices in CET. As the sixth Autonomous University setup in June 2017, SUSS has a strong focus on the three areas of applied learning, the social sciences, and lifelong learning. It currently runs about 70 full-time and parttime degree-level programmes. The University has been running part-time programmes for working and adult learners for the last 13 years.
  1. There are clear synergies in the restructuring of IAL into SUSS. By doing so, we will bring together know-how and experience of both SUSS and IAL in the provision of learning to adults. SUSS and the restructured IAL will work closely in areas that include course design, development and delivery to adult learners. SUSS will be able to tap on IAL’s research network and capabilities, such as the use of research findings by IAL to address the learning needs of its students, while IAL will be able to draw on SUSS's student data and its adult student learning experience for research and for the training of adult educators. The university will also accredit and issue formal qualifications for programmes run by IAL at the tertiary level, further elevating the quality and standing of these courses.
  1. IAL will continue to maintain its current name and be overseen by an independent Council, chaired by the Chief Executive of SSG. This will ensure that IAL’s work continues to be aligned to the overall national priorities under SkillsFuture and to serve the adult learning space of Singapore. An Executive Director will be appointed by SSG and SUSS to lead the institute.
  1. “IAL will benefit from becoming a constituent member of a university. It will draw upon SUSS to accredit formal qualifications to raise the professionalism of adult educators, as well as allow its researchers to be exposed to wider range of areas. The restructuring will also allow SkillsFuture Singapore to better focus on our mandate to create a thriving skills ecosystem,” says Mr Ng Cher Pong, Chief Executive of SSG.
  1. “The restructuring will strengthen SUSS's positioning as a university of applied and lifelong learning targeted at working adults. The university will benefit from IAL's network of research capabilities, and will also add to IAL’s thrust in serving adult learning nationally. We look forward to welcoming IAL’s colleagues and the new working relationship,” said Prof Cheong Hee Kiat, President of SUSS.

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For media queries please contact:

SkillsFuture Singapore
Carol Wee
Deputy Director
Corporate and Marketing Communications

Singapore University of Social Sciences
Valerie Ng
Senior PR Manager
Communications & Marketing

About Institute for Adult Learning

The Institute for Adult Learning (IAL) was founded in 2008 as an arm under the former Singapore Workforce Development Agency and now SkillsFuture Singapore to lead professionalisation of the Training and Adult Education sector.

IAL works closely and supports Adult Education professionals, businesses, human resource developers and policy makers through its comprehensive suite of programmes and services on raising capabilities and catalysing innovations in Continuing Education and Training (CET). IAL also champions research in sustaining economic performance through skills, shaping employment as well as CET decisions, and develops innovations through learning technology and pedagogy to heighten adult learning. For more information, visit:

About Singapore University of Social Sciences

Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) is one of Singapore's six autonomous universities and its mission is to provide lifelong education that equips learners to serve society. Home to more than 15,000 students, SUSS provides an applied education that targets both fresh school leavers and adult learners, with a focus on the social sciences and lifelong learning. It adopts a flexible and practice focused learning approach and offers more than 70 degree programmes in various disciplines. Eligible students taking SUSS's undergraduate programmes enjoy government subsidies and access to government bursaries, tuition fee loans and study loans. For more information on Singapore University of Social Sciences, please visit

About SkillsFuture Singapore

SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) drives and coordinates the implementation of the national SkillsFuture movement, promotes a culture of lifelong learning and strengthens the ecosystem of quality education and training in Singapore. Through a holistic system of national SkillsFuture initiatives, SSG enables Singaporeans to take charge of their learning journey in their pursuit of skills mastery. SSG also works with  key stakeholders to ensure that students and adults have access to high quality and industry-relevant training that meet the demands of different sectors of the economy for an innovative and productive workforce. For more information, visit


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