Date: 25 Nov 2022
Media Resource Type: Speeches
School/Dept: S R Nathan School of Human Development, School of Business, School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences, School of Law, School of Science and Technology, Student Services
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Good afternoon students Distinguished guests, donors and SUSS colleagues I am glad we are able to meet in person again for the SUSS Scholarship Award Ceremony, after a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19. And, I am proud to see so many happy faces of our students who are here to receive your awards, together with your loved ones who are here to celebrate with you. Today’s ceremony is made even more special because we have our donors, our benefactors, whom you will meet in person! At SUSS, our scholarships are unique. Apart from academic achievement, our scholars are chosen because you embody the ‘Head, Heart, Habit’ attributes that our University strives to imbue into our students’ character and values. I hope the scholarship money you receive will lighten your financial burdens to a certain extent so that you can focus on your studies. But we not only want you to do well in your studies. We hope you will pay it forward by serving those around you and someday, return as our donor. Take the case of Bryan, our Psychology student. He lives with his mother, who is widowed and has hearing disabilities. The scholarship goes a long way to support his studies as he took a few years off after being an SAF Regular to focus on his studies. He hopes that with his academic and skills preparation, he will be able to switch careers when he graduates. Bryan is also an active volunteer. He serves as President in Psyconnect, the Psychology student interest group that provides a network and support for students as well as aims to enrich psychology education through meaningful activities. For example, Bryan organises activities to bring IMH patients out for activities. Later, you’ll also hear the story of another of our scholar, Terence Koh. His story is one that will inspire many. He will share how he overcame many challenges in his life. I will let Terence tell you his story personally. On behalf of SUSS and our students, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our donors – I understand that there are more than 15 of you here with us today. We appreciate your generosity and support. Congratulations again, SUSS scholars, and my best wishes to you in your studies in SUSS. Thank you.
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