Jointly run by SUSS’ Centre for Chinese Studies and S R Nathan School of Human Development, the seventh Singapore Early Childhood Education Chinese Symposium, themed “Integrated Education: Towards Inclusive Early Childhood Education” took place at the Lifelong Learning Institute on 30 September 2023 and drew an audience of 240 people.
Guest-of-honour Ms Gan Siow Huang, Minister of State for Ministry of Education and Ministry of Manpower, graced the launch of the book, Building and Strengthening Singapore’s Early Childhood Education Research II, which consists of eight theses written by graduates from the first and second cohorts of the Master of Education in Early Childhood Education (in Chinese) programme or MECE in short.
Minister Gan Siow Huang and Professor Tan Tai Yong, SUSS President, unveiling the book cover of Building and Strengthening Singapore’s Early Childhood Education Research II. 教育部兼人力部政务部长颜晓芳部长及新跃社科大学(简称“跃大”)校长陈大荣教授在新书推介礼上为《根植与共建2——新加坡学前教育研究》揭幕

(From left) Four contributors of the newly launched book, Minister Gan Siow Huang, Professor Tan Tai Yong, Associate Professor Sin Joo Ee (editor of the book), and the other four contributors of the book(左起)新书的其中四位作者、颜晓芳部长、陈大荣教授、新书的主编陈如意副教授、另外四位作者
Professor Tan Tai Yong, SUSS President, highlighted in his welcome address that more preschools are implementing the Inclusive Support Programme (InSP), which combines early intervention services with preschool education to assist children with moderate developmental needs.
He added, “This year, every preschool will appoint an inclusion coordinator to help identify children with developmental issues. It is thus important for preschool educators to equip themselves with knowledge to understand how they can best support children with special educational needs and methods for effective classroom management.”
Professor Tan Tai Yong, SUSS President, delivering his welcome address 跃大校长陈大荣教授致欢迎词
The symposium invited three experts in both theory and practice in the early childhood education sector as keynote speakers. Two teachers shared their experiences in implementing inclusive education with outdoor activities, and the collaboration between parents and teachers.
Dr Maggie Koong, Founder and Head of Victoria Shanghai Academy, Hong Kong, delivering her keynote presentation on early interventions for children with special needs 香港沪江维多利亚学校创办人兼总校长孔美琪博士的演讲主题为让特殊儿童不特殊,共同建构多元共融的幼儿教育
Dr Qu Li’s keynote presentation comprised demonstration and audience participation. Dr Qu is a School Psychologist at the Canadian International School in Singapore 曲莉博士在现场邀请观众参与示范。曲博士是新加坡加拿大国际学校的学校心理学家
Keynote speaker Ms Hsu Shu-Ching, Principal of Natural Learning Art Preschool, Taiwan, discussed inclusive education and teacher support by using her preschool as a case study 台湾早稻田艺术幼儿园园长许淑菁园长以其任职的幼儿园为例,探讨学前融合教育与教师支持
After their presentations, the principal and the two teachers from Natural Learning Art Preschool, Taiwan, took part in the afternoon session panel discussion. (From left) Ms Wu Yi Chieh, Ms Chi Chiao Chih, and Ms Hsu Shu-Ching (principal) 来自台湾早稻田艺术幼儿园的园长及两位老师在下午场的提问与讨论环节为观众解答疑问。(左起)吴怡洁老师、纪乔之老师、许淑菁园长
Apart from the main event, there was an exhibition of posters by the eight contributors of the newly launched book, Building and Strengthening Singapore’s Early Childhood Education Research II. The contributors were present to talk about their respective research outcomes 论坛当天的展览展示新书《根植与共建2——新加坡学前教育研究》八位作者特制的海报,他们也在场讲解他们的研究结果
Associate Professor Sin Joo Ee wrapped up the symposium with her closing remarks 陈如意副教授在论坛结束前进行总结

The 2023 Singapore Early Childhood Education Chinese Symposium were made possible with the support of all who played a part in one way or another 新加坡学前教育论坛圆满结束,感谢大家的鼎力支持
Refer to this related article for more information: 新加坡学前教育论坛 以融合教育理念为主题
跃大校长陈大荣教授在致欢迎词时表示,如今有越来越多学前中心实行包容性辅助计划(Inclusive support programme,InSP),结合早期介入服务和学前教育,让有中度发展障碍的学生可在学前中心获得援助。
相关报道:新加坡学前教育论坛 以融合教育理念为主题