Family and friends of Ustaz Ali attended the launch of the scholarship
SUSS proudly unveiled the Ali Haji Mohamed Scholarship for Community Leadership on 15 January 2024. The late Ustaz Ali, the namesake of the scholarship, was a prominent Malay-Muslim leader in the community. He was one of the co-founders of the Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG), which aimed to foster understanding and tolerance in our community.
Graced by Guest-of-Honour Mr Wong Kan Seng, the former Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore, the event also saw the family and friends of Ustaz Ali in attendance.
From left: Mr Benny Lim, fund champion and retired civil servant, Ms Zarina Othman, Ali Hj Mohamed Scholarship for Community Leadership recipient; Mr Wong Kan Seng, former Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore; Dr Mohamed bin Ali, son of Ustaz Ali; and Professor Tan Tai Yong, SUSS President
Dr Mohamed Bin Ali, the son of Ustaz Ali, shared about his father’s legacy and thanked SUSS for naming the scholarship in his father’s honour. Over $400,000 was raised in support of the scholarship from friends of Ustaz Ali.
Beyond the RRG, Ustaz Ali was also deeply committed to the local community. As the Chairman of the Khadijah Mosque from 1993 to 2022, he was heavily involved in the fundraising for the rejuvenation of the mosque, and personally planned the mass cooking for the annual Charity Briyani run with volunteers.
Dr Mohamed Bin Ali, son of Ustaz Ali
“While we deeply miss Ustaz Ali’s visionary leadership, we are much heartened by this scholarship to honour him. It is our hope that this noble initiative will carry Ustaz Ali’s name and legacy for many generations to come – to reflect upon the spirit of a community leader, and to inspire excellence as they make their marks upon the world.”
The Ali Haji Mohamed Scholarship for Community Leadership is not confined to conventional academic criteria – it also seeks individuals who share and exemplify Ustaz Ali's community-oriented values.
Ms Zarina Othman, the first recipient of the scholarship, left the meetings and events industry in 2019.
Ms Zarina Othman, the first recipient of the Ali Hj Mohamed Scholarship for Community Leadership
“This shift was prompted by the loss of my grandmother and my two aunts to lung cancer, which steered me towards a cause that resonates deeply with my heart,” Ms Othman shared.
She went on to join the European Society for Medical Oncology, an international non-profit organisation, where she now supports the training and education of doctors and allied health professionals who treat cancer patients as the Head of Asia Operations. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in Management (with a specialisation in Non-Profit Management) on a scholarship.
“In reflecting upon this honour, I am reminded that it goes beyond an individual achievement,” Ms Othman said. “It signifies a shared commitment to education, community service, and the pursuit of societal upliftment. I extend my deepest thanks to the donors for their far-sighted generosity, as this scholarship is not just financial assistance; it’s an investment in the potential of individuals striving to contribute meaningfully to the communities we serve.”
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