On 19 September 2023, Mr Melvin Loh, SUSS School of Law Senior Lecturer, gave a talk to the Judicial General Council of Mongolia on Mediation from a Singapore perspective during a training course which looked at the methods and mediation practices in Singapore.
Organised by the Judicial General Council of Mongolia, the course was attended by 90 participants comprising the Chairman and members of the Mediator’s Council as well as full-time mediators and mediation assistants in the Court. This training gave them an insight into the best practices of mediation in Singapore and examined how these can be applied in both administrative and criminal cases. As part of the training, Mr Melvin Loh shared about Singapore’s legal framework, the coordination, implementation, and best practices of mediation in Singapore as well as his experience as an accredited mediator in Singapore.

Mr Melvin Loh (Top Left) with the participants of the training course organised by the Judicial General Council of Mongolia.
After the session, Mr Melvin Loh shared, “I was honoured to be invited to train the Judicial General Council of Mongolia in how mediation is carried out in Singapore and in sharing our best practices. The audience appreciated the sharing of my own experiences as a mediator and I was personally informed immediately after the talk had ended, that the Judicial General Council of Mongolia was very impressed with the training I had conducted for them.”
We look forward to future collaborations with the Judicial General Council of Mongolia.