Icebreakers for our freshmen to kickstart their orientation
With a whopping attendance of almost 1000 freshmen, the Freshmen Orientation welcomed our new cohort of part-time students on 13 January 2024! It was the first touchpoint for our latest batch of freshmen with their schools, faculty, fellow peers and seniors!

Getting introductions to their schools during the Deans’ welcome address
During the Deans’ welcome address, burning questions about time management, sustaining a good GPA and juggling part-time studies with full-time work commitments were often posed by freshmen in their effort to understand the rigour of university life. “I could relate to the panel of speakers and felt that their advice was spot on,” enthused a freshman from the School of Science and Technology.

A group photo with the School of Science & Technology Panelists for ‘Let’s Chat: Putting U in SUcceSS’
The in-person Freshmen Orientation engaged the students beyond regular welcome addresses and briefings with Deans and Heads of Programmes. A school-based dialogue session, ‘Let’s Chat: Putting U in SUcceSS’, was also staged to provide a platform for our freshmen to network with their peers in an informal yet interactive setting whilst having a dialogue with their school faculty, career mentors and industry professionals.

Our Investment Interest Group amongst other student groups featured at the Student Life Fair, which was hosted in conjunction with the Orientation.
When it comes to showcasing our student life, what is a Freshmen Orientation without fringe activities and our seniors? The Student Life Fair showcased more than 30 student group booths from the Advocacy Groups (AGs), Competition Groups (CGs) and Interest Groups (IG) for our freshmen to visit and get acquainted with like-minded seniors who can share more about their experiences.

Electrifying performances from Dance Interest Group, serving looks and moves
The vibrancy of the Student Life Fair at SUSS has been consistently elevated by spectacular student performances from the Silat Interest Group (IG), Dance IG and Music IG. These dynamic showcases have become an integral part of our freshman orientations, adding excitement and energy to the event each year. More than 50 students were part of the electrifying performances and gave our freshmen a teaser to the student life at SUSS.

Office of Entrepreneurship staff at the atrium booth
Freshmen were also introduced to SUSS offices and departments that make up the SUSS ecosystem such as our learning management systems, career mentorship, global programme opportunities and many more support services that SUSS offers to our students.

Our full-time student leaders (Student Team Building Ambassadors (STARS) and part-time student leaders (Anchors), all ready to serve our freshmen at the gift redemption booth

Anchors welcoming our freshmen at the registration counter
As the curtains drew on the January 2024 Freshmen Orientation, we celebrate the collective success and camaraderie displayed to kick off a memorable chapter in the new SUSS journey of our freshmen. A heartfelt thank-you to all SUSS departments and student leaders who have made this possible. Here's to a fruitful and successful academic year ahead to all our freshmen!