Part-time Undergraduate

Part-time Undergraduate

Learn today, apply tomorrow in your workplace with our industry-rich curriculum.

Part-time Undergraduate Degree Programmes


SUSS offers part-time undergraduate programmes at a basic degree level as well as programmes that lead to an honours degree.

Each course in a degree programme has an assigned value of credit units (cu). Students are required to complete a total of 130 cu (inclusive of 20 cu of SUSS Core courses) to graduate with a basic degree or a total of 170 cu (inclusive of 30 cu of SUSS Core courses) to graduate with honours.


If you read the maximum permitted study load every semester, you can complete a basic undergraduate degree programme in 3 years, or an honours degree in 4 years. The maximum candidature period for part-time undergraduate students is 8 years.

There are 2 regular semesters and 1 special semester in a year:

  • January semester: from January to April
  • July semester: from August to November
  • Special semester: from May to June

A typical 5 cu course will have 18 contact hours, comprising 6 weeks of 3-hour classes. For selected courses, this can go up to 24 contact hours, comprising 8 weeks of 3-hour classes. Most courses will be conducted in the regular semesters with classes spread out across a 12-week period.

The special semester is set aside for internships, work attachments, short courses (e.g., 2.5 cu courses), and typical courses that are conducted in a compressed format.

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