From Smartphone to Silver Screen: A Transformative Mobile Journalism Workshop with Robb Montgomery

17 August 2023 marked an extraordinary day of learning and inspiration within the realm of digital marketing education as part of the Master of Digital Marketing Programme's workshop series. Titled "Smartphone to Silver Screen" Mobile Journalism Workshop, this event was a testament to the boundless potential that lies within our handheld devices when it comes to storytelling. Guided by the expertise of renowned United States media specialist Robb Montgomery, participants were exposed to the transformative power of smartphones in the art of narrative creation.

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Associate Professor Marcus Lee, Vice Dean of the School of Business, presenting a gift of appreciation to Robb Montgomery

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Opening Talk by Mr. Kevin O'Conner, information officer at the U.S. Embassy Singapore.

Global Expertise, Local Impact:

We are immensely grateful to Robb Montgomery for sharing his invaluable insights and expertise with us. His engagement with the event was made possible through the U.S. Speaker's Programme, which infused a distinct global perspective into the workshop. Attendees were granted the privilege of imbibing insights and expertise that transcended borders, enriching their experiences in ways beyond measure.

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Robb Montgomery explaining smartphone filming gear to the participants

Collaborative Endeavours:

Behind the resounding success of the workshop lay a harmonious collaboration between the U.S. Embassy Singapore, SUSS and the Master of Digital Marketing Programme. This triumvirate of institutions united with a shared vision to foster learning, creativity, and innovation. The dedication to nurturing an environment of exploration and advancement stands as a commendable feat, and we are honoured to have been a part of this joint effort.

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Robb Montgomery conducting
his workshop

A Continuing Journey:

As we reflect on the valuable insights gained from the "Smartphone to Silver Screen" workshop, let's remember that our journey doesn't end here. The skills acquired and the connections forged during this workshop are poised to serve as catalysts for our ongoing pursuit of impactful storytelling.

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Group photo with the participants.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who made the "Smartphone to Silver Screen" workshop a resounding success!  Your enthusiasm, dedication, and willingness to embrace new possibilities truly made a difference. Armed with newfound knowledge and a shared passion, let us propel ourselves forward into the expansive realm of digital narratives. 

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