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Workshops - Sector-Specific Competency Acquisition



• The Make-up of a Connected Youth Mentor
• Building Competencies for Effective Youth Mentoring
• Formulating and Role Playing Strategies for Common Mentoring Dilemmas
• Sharing of Experiences in Understanding, Befriending & Mentoring Youth-at-risk

Duration: 6 hours

Email if you have a group of 10 participants



• Describe the roles of a befriender
• Explain the purposes of methods adopted to prevent a communication breakdown
• Describe the techniques for a befriender to build relationship with his/her clients

Duration: 4 hours

Email if you have a group of 10 participants



• Explain the counselling process when working with the client
• Examine the roles of a counsellor and guiding principles of counselling
• Apply effective listening skills during counselling
• Address barriers of communication in the counselling process

Duration: 4 hours

Email if you have a group of 10 participants



• Learn basic conversational skills in Malay

Duration: 3 sessions, 2 hours per session (total 6 hrs)

Once you register, commitment to attend all 3 classes is expected. Participation will be based on first-come-first-served basis.

Email here if you have a group of 10 participants



• Learn basic conversational skills in Hokkien

*Highly recommended to S-L groups or individuals working with seniors

Duration: 3 sessions, 2 hours per session (total 6 hrs)

Date: 2019 [TBC]

Register here if you are interested or have a group of 10 participants.

Please email Ms Chia Ming Huei ( if you have any queries.



•  Learn basic conversational skills in Cantonese

Duration: 3 sessions, 2 hours per session (total 6 hrs)

Email here if you have a group of 10 participants



• Learn basic conversational skills in Mandarin

Duration: 3 sessions, 2 hours per session (total 6 hrs)

Once you register, commitment to attend all 3 classes is expected. Participation will be based on first-come-first-served basis.

Email here if you have a group of 10 participants

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• Learn basic sign language skills

Email here if you have a group of 10 participants

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• Learn basic conversational skills in Teochew

*Highly recommended to S-L groups or individuals working with seniors

Duration: 3 sessions, 2 hours per session (total 6 hrs)

Date: 26, 27, 28 November 2018 (Mon to Wed), 10am to 12pm

Venue: SR C.4.14

Register here if you are interested or have a group of 10 participants.

Please email Ms Chia Ming Huei ( if you have any queries.



• Interpret issues and situations relevant to communicating with seniors
• Relate stages of the conflict cycle to communicating with seniors
• Engage difficult seniors with holistic communication tactics
Apply communication skills and process in relating to seniors with disabilities
• Respond to expressed sentiments of seniors

Duration: 4 hours

Email here if you have a group of 10 participants




• Learn to recognise symptoms of mental health problems
• Provide initial help to those experiencing mental distress
• How to guide a person suffering from mental health problems towards appropriate professional help

A certificate of participation will be issued for all participants

Email here if you have a group of 10 participants



•Understanding disability
• Explain disability etiquette and use of People first language
• Understand the inclusive practice and importance of assistive technology
• Be an advocate for inclusion

*This workshop includes experiential activities and sharing by Inclusion Ambassadors.

Duration: 2 hours

Email here if you have a group of 10 participants



• Understand and appreciate the biodiversity in Singapore
• Explain the importance of environmental conservation

*This workshop involves a guided walk through a nature area in Singapore (e.g. Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Botanical Gardens or Chek Jawa)

Duration: 4 hours

Email if you have a group of 10 participants



• Recognise a medical emergency situation
• Activate the appropriate emergency response system and follow the Emergency Action principles
• Recognise the signs and symptoms of identified emergencies, illnesses and injuries
• Perform the necessary and correct First Aid treatment to a casualty based on the emergency, illness and injury
• Perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for adult victims

* Certification of 2 years validity upon passing theory and practical assessment with 100% course attendance

*Participants must be physically fit with no pre-existing medical conditions such as heart or lung condition, knee, spinal or joints injury.

*With this registration, you are committed to attend and participate in the course fully. Any participant who is absent without medical certificate or other valid documents will be expected to pay the full course fee of S$200.

Duration: 3 days

Email if you have a group of 10 participants



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