Journal Articles:
Chen, W., Zhang, S., Pi, Z., Tan, J. S. H., Wen, Y., Loo, C.-K., Yeo, J., & Liu, Q. (inpress)
Students’ Appropriation of Collaboration Script in a Networked Class: An Exploratory Study. Technology, Pedagogy and Education.
Tan, K. C. D., & Yeo, J. (2022)
Advancing conceptual understanding of science. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 1(2), 56-64.
Yeo, J. & Gilbert, J. K. (2022)
Producing Scientific Explanations in Physics—A Multimodal Account. Research in Science Education, 52(3), 819 – 852.
Yeo, J., Lim, E., Tan, K. C. D., Ong, Y. S (2021)
The efficacy of an Image-to-Writing approach to learning abstract scientific concepts: Temperature and Heat. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 19, 21–44. DOI 10.1007/s10763-019-10026-z.
Yeo, J., Wong, W. L., Tan, K. C. D., Ong, Y. S., & Delserieys, A. P. (2020)
Using visual representation in realising the concept of “Heat” in primary science. Learning: Research & Practice, 6(1), 34-50, DOI: 10.1080/23735082.2020.1750674.
Tan, K. C. D., Yeo, J., Tan, P. H., & Ong, A. (2019)
Differentiating heat and temperature: An image-to-writing approach. Primary Science, 160, 21-24.
Yamashita, S., Yeo, J., Nakanishi, K., Kojima, K., Igarashi, R., Terasawa, A., Chang, J., Toh, J., Pang, A., Ashardianto, S., & Nomura, J. (2019)
Development and evaluation of GPS science lesson based on STEM model in Singapore. Science Education International, 30(3), 194-199.
Tay, S. L., & Yeo, J. (2017)
Analysis of a physics teacher's pedagogical ‘micro- actions' that support 17-year-olds' learning of free body diagrams via a modelling approach. International Journal of Science Education, 40(2), 109-138.
Yeo, J., & Tan S. C. (2014)
Redesigning problem-based learning in the knowledge creation paradigm for school science learning. Instructional Science, 42(5), 747 – 775.
Yeo, J., & Gilbert, J. K. (2014)
Constructing a scientific explanation - A narrative account. International Journal of Science Education, 36(11), 1902-1935.
Yeo, J., Tan, S. C., & Lee, Y. J. (2012)
A learning journey in problem-based learning in a physics classroom. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 21(1), 39-50.
Tang, K. S., Tan, S. C., & Yeo, J. (2011)
Students' multimodal construction of Work-Energy Concept. International Journal of Science Education, 33, 1775-1804.
Yeo, J., & Tan, S. C. (2011)
How a group learns: Implications for collaborative work in science. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 20(2), 231-245.
Yeo, J. & Tan, S.C. (2010)
Constructive use of authoritative sources in science meaning making. International Journal of Science Education, 32(13), 1739-1754.
Tan, S. C., Yeo, J., & Lim, W. Y. (2005)
Changing epistemology of science learning through inquiry with Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 24(4), 367-386.
Yeo, J., Teo, T. W., & Tang, K.-S. (Eds.). (2018)
Science education research and practice in Asia-Pacific and beyond. Singapore: Springer.
Tan, S. C., So, H. J., & Yeo, J. (Eds.). (2014)
Knowledge creation in education. Singapore: Springer.
Book Chapters:
Yeo, J., & Tan, K. C. D. (2022)
From image-to-writing: A teacher’s PCK in supporting primary school students in making sernse of the specialised language of science. In Seah, L. H., Silver, R. E., & Baildon, M. C. (Eds.), The role of language in content pedagogy (pp. 115 – 136). Springer.
Yeo, J., & Tan, K.C.D. (2021)
Science education in Singapore. In O-.S Tan, E. L. Low, E. G. Tay & Y. K Yan. (Eds.), Singapore math and science education innovation: Beyond PISA (pp. 00-00). Singapore: Springer.
Yeo, J., Chen, W.L., Lee, Y.J., & Tan, T. (2021)
Innovative science and STEM pedagogies in Singapore. In O-.S Tan, E. L. Low, E. G. Tay & Y. K Yan. (Eds.), Singapore math and science education innovation: Beyond PISA (pp. 00-00). Singapore: Springer.
Tan., K.C.D, & Yeo, J. (2021)
Moving Research into the Classroom: Synergy in Collaboration. In O-.S Tan, E. L. Low, E. G. Tay & Y. K Yan. (Eds.), Singapore math and science education innovation: Beyond PISA (pp. 00-00). Singapore: Springer.
Yeo, J. (2018)
Showcasing Singapore Science Teachers’ Research. In J. Yeo, T. W. Teo, & K. S. Tang (Eds.), Science education research and practice in Asia-Pacific and beyond (pp. 151-158). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Yeo, J., & Gilbert, J. K. (2017)
The role of representations in students' explanations of phenomena in physics. In D. F Treagust, R. Duit, & H. E. Fischer (Eds.), Multiple representations in physics education (pp. 255-287). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Yeo, J. (2015)
Building theory-practice nexus in pre-service physics teacher education through Problem-Based Learning. In A. Walker, H. Leary, C. E. Hmelo- Silver, & P. A. Ertmer (Eds.), Essential reading in Problem-based Learning: Exploring and extending the legacy of Howard S. Barrows (pp. 165- 178). Indiana: Purdue University Press.
Tan, S. C., Yeo, J., So, H. J., Ow, E. G. J., Chai, C. S., & Teo, C. L. (2014)
Knowledge creation in Singapore schools: Our journey and ways forward. In S. C. Tan, H. J. So, & J. Yeo (Eds.), Knowledge creation in education (pp. 283-302). Singapore: Springer.
Yeo, J. (2014)
Knowledge building as a boundary object in formal/informal learning. In A. L. Tan, C. L. Poon, & S. L. S. Lim (Eds.), Inquiry into the Singapore science classroom. Singapore: Springer.
Yeo, J. (2014)
From Problem-Based Learning to Knowledge Creation. In S. C. Tan, H. J. So & J. Yeo (Eds.), Knowledge creation in education. Singapore: Springer.
Tan, S. C, & Yeo, J. (2014)
Implementing inquiry science with knowledge creation approaches. In A. L. Tan, C. L. Poon & S. L. S. Lim (Eds.), Inquiry into the Singapore science classroom (pp. 191-210). Singapore: Springer.
Yeo, J. (2014)
Understanding students' conceptions of electromagnetic induction: A semiotic analysis. In C. Bruguière, A. Tiberghien & P. Clément (Eds.), 9th ESERA Conference Contributions: Topics and trends in current science education (pp. 339-352). Dordrecht: Springer.
Yeo, J., Lee, Y.-J. (2012)
Knowledge advancement in environmental science through knowledge building. In K. C. D. Tan & M. Kim (Eds.), Issues and challenges in science education research (pp. 317 - 332). Dordrecht: Springer.
So, H. J., Lim, W. Y., & Yeo, J. (2010)
Essential design features of online collaborative learning. In H. Song (Ed.), Distance learning technologies, current instruction, and the future of education: Applications of today, practices of tomorrow (pp. 230-244). Hershey: IGI Global.
Tan, S. C., Kim, B., & Yeo, A. C. J. (2010)
Learning with technology: Learner voice and agency. In M. Orey, S. A. Jones, & R. M. Branch (Ed.), Educational media and technology yearbook 2010 (pp. 117-134.). New York: Springer.
Yeo, J., & Lee, Y. J. (2010)
Situating science inquiry learning in knowledge creation metaphor of learning. In Lee, Y. J. (Ed.), The world of science education: Handbook of research in Asia (pp. 335-354). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Tan, S. C., Seah L. H., Yeo, J., & Hung, D. (2008)
Online learning communities in K-12 settings. In J. Voogt, & G. Knezek (Eds.), Springer international handbook of information technology in primary and secondary education (pp. 249-266). Dordrecht: Springer.
Yeo, J., Tan S. C., & Tang, K. S. (2008)
Making sense of a, b, c's of science? A dialectics between everyday and scientific conception. In Y. J. Lee & A. L. Tan (Eds.), Science education at the nexus of theory and practice (pp. 25-44). Netherlands: Sense Publishing.
Yeo, J., & Hung, D. (2007)
Technology mediated problem-centered learning environments. In O. S. Tan (Ed.), Problem-based Learning in E-learning Breakthroughs (pp. 185-206). Singapore: Thomson Learning.
Editorials and Commentaries:
Nielsen, W., & Yeo, J. (2022)
Introduction to the Special Issue: Multimodal Meaning-Making in Science. Research in Science Education, 52(3), 751 – 754.
Yeo, J., & Nielsen, W. (2020)
Multimodal science teaching and learning, Learning: Research and Practice, 6:1, 1-4, DOI: 10.1080/23735082.2020.1752043.
Yeo, J. (2019)
Facing the Challenges of the Future of Education. Learning: Research and Practice, 5(1), 1-3.
Koh, E., Yeo, J., & Hung, D. (2015)
Pushing boundaries, taking risks. Learning: Research and Practice, 1(2), 95-99.
Yeo, J. (2009)
Finding science in students' talk. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 913-919. Netherlands: Springer.