Service-learning and the curriculum: a review of...

Service-learning has been developed in thousands of Higher Educations institutions around the world, with different accents in students’ academic learning, professional skills and personal development, and with different focus in learning, research and community alliances. Service-learning projects are developed in very different institutional frames according to each institution choice. In some cases the projects offer valuable opportunities for personal development, but are not clearly connected with specific academic content. The session will focus in the ways quality service-learning projects can be strongly articulated with the curriculum, providing opportunities to develop and apply specific professional skills and knowledge. Based in a recent research published by CLAYSS, Prof. Tapia will present the diverse forms of curricular insertion of service-learning practices in Higher Education, exemplified with cases documented in the Latin American experience and also in other parts of the world. 

Keywords: APRCSL, Higher Education, CLAYSS, Nieves Tapia, service-learning, Latin America.

Tags:Community BuildingDiversity and InclusionOthers

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