Work, Well-being, and Resilience:

Understanding Singapore's Mature Workforce
A study supported by SkillsFuture Singapore.

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The Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) will be conducting a research study, supported by SkillsFuture Singapore, to understand the factors that influence work-related decisions, lifelong learning, and the well-being of mature workers in Singapore.

Click here for grant details.

"In my view, retirement is not a stage but a transition, and the choices people make about how much to work bear this out."
Dr Kalyani K. Mehta


About Us

We are a team of academics from the Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University, and National University of Singapore. Collectively, we bring with us academic expertise and insights that span the disciplines of psychology, sociology, social gerontology, and social demography.

"The number of older workers will continue to increase. While the move to not reduce older workers' pay upon re-employment is a positive step, there are other areas that will need to be addressed with their continued employment"
Assoc Prof Kang Soon-Hock


  • Dr Kang Soon-Hock
    Associate Professor, School of Human and Behavioural Sciences
    Singapore University of Social Sciences
  • Dr Kalyani K Mehta
    Associate Faculty, Gerontology Programme
    Retired Professor of Gerontology, S R Nathan School of Human Development, Singapore University of Social Sciences
  • Dr Ng Weiting
    Associate Professor, School of Human and Behavioural Sciences
    Singapore University of Social Sciences
  • Dr William Tov
    Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences
    Singapore Management University
  • Dr Feng Qiushi
    Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
    National University of Singapore

  • Dr Sheryl Chua Hwee Chin
    Lecturer, School of Human and Behavioural Sciences
    Singapore University of Social Sciences
  • Mature Workforce Survey Wave 1
  • Qualitative Study 1 (Focus Group Discussions and Interviews)
  • Diary Study 1
  • Qualitative Study 2 (Focus Group Discussions and Interviews)
  • Mature Workforce Survey Wave 2
  • Diary Study 2

    Kang, S., Yong, V, Chan, A, and Saito, Y. (2016). Revisiting Mobility Limitations of Seniors in Singapore, 1995-2011. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine

    Mehta, K.K. (2016). Singapore. In Findsen, B. & Formosa, M. (Eds.). International perspectives on older adult education: Research, policy and practice. (pp. 379 – 388) Lifelong Learning Book Series Vol. 22. New York: Springer.

    Mehta, K. (2015) Singapore's strategies at developing and implementing an active ageing framework. In Walker. A. and Aspalter, C. (Eds.). Active Ageing in Asia. (pp. 151-164). London: Routledge.

    Wan, D. and Mehta, K. (2014). The Retirement And Re-Employment Act 2012: Prospective Study of Its Effects On Older Workers' Well-Being. CFAR Report, Singapore University of Social Sciences.

    Kang, S., Tan, E. S., and Yap, M. T. (2013). National Survey of Senior Citizens 2011. Singapore: Ministry of Social and Family Development.

    Useful Information

    How is this study relevant to me?
    The survey will attempt to observe the changes and better appreciate the issues that Singapore residents aged 45 to 75 years face in the workforce. It covers areas of recent relevance, general well-being, attitudes towards lifelong learning, intergenerational workplace relations. Your partici-pation will provide valuable information in these areas on others like you. Together, the infor-mation collected will be used for analyses. The outcomes and findings gleaned from these analyses will be shared with policy makers and employers to help enhance the workplace now and in the future.

    How is this survey different from other recent surveys that I have read relating to the mature workforce?
    This study is different as it employs a representative sample of Singapore’s population (Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents) to understand the workforce aged 45 to 75 years of age. Each successfully verified survey response will provide representative insight on this population group. It also covers more areas that are of interest to this segment of the workforce.

    I have participated in other surveys, but they only required 5 to 10 minutes of my time?
    This is because our survey covers more areas. Thus, we require a little more of your time to com-plete. For other surveys that only require a few minutes, these are oftentimes only asking the par-ticipant for information in only one area of interest at the very most.

    Will anyone know my responses to questions in the survey?
    Your responses in the survey cannot be linked back to you. The research study relies on grouped data (e.g., age group, gender, occupational group etc) to generate results and report its findings. 

    If I change my mind, can I withdraw from the survey?
    Yes, you can withdraw from the study at any time. To do so, you can contact the project office at

    Contact Us


    Singapore University of Social Sciences
    463 Clementi Road
    Singapore 599494


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