SSC EN - [Thumbnail] Impact Startup Challenge Bangkok, Thailand


The Impact Startup Challenge in Bangkok, Thailand, focuses on developing entrepreneurial solutions that target sustainability.

  • Work in international teams and focus on sustainability
  • Learn from industry experts in sustainability
  • Pitch your business to investors and startup mentors
  • Site visits to local businesses in Bangkok
  • Endorsed as a SUSS Global Learning

Programme Fees

For 5 credit unit (cu) credit bearing:

SUSS full-time and part-time students, prevailing course fees apply.

For non-credit bearing:

SUSS and non-SUSS students (including pre-tertiary) pay a registration fee of S$180 per person (excluding GST).

Programme Timeline

Pre-Programme Briefing: 13 May, 7-10pm

Programme Dates: 20-25 May (Full Day)

13 May 2024
  • Meet fellow participants, instructors and staff
  • Brief intro to Lean Startup
  • Possible problem statements / 1-min pitch brief
20 May 2024
  • Meet international participants + Icebreaking
  • 1 min pitch + Team Formation
  • Intro to Javelin Board (GBA 1)
21 May 2024
  • Problem Hypothesis & Prepare for Interview
  • GOOB (Get-Out-Of-Building)
  • Learning from experiment & Pivoting
  • GOOB
22 May 2024
  • Review of Day 2
  • Study Visit 1
  • GOOB
  • Value Proposition Canvas (GBA 2)
  • Solution MVP
  • GOOB
23 May 2024
  • Review of Day 3
  • Solution testing
  • Study Visit 2
  • GOOB
24 May 2024
  • Pitch deck preparation
  • Pitch Rehearsal
25 May 2024
  • Pitch to Investors (GBA 3)
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Admission Eligibility Criteria

  • SUSS Full-time students may register for this course as a 5 credit unit (cu) elective under SUSS Core FTMKTG students can take the course as a major elective. 
  • SUSS Part-time students may register for this course as a 5 cu course elective under General Elective. BSBM students can take the course as a major elective. 
  • Optionally SUSS students may take this course as a non-credit bearing course and register via SIMS events portal. The course is not graded and will not affect your CGPA. 
  • Pre-tertiary and non-SUSS students may take this course as a non-credit bearing course and register via SIMS events portal.

Embark on an Impact Startup Challenge now!

Registrations are closed for our current run. Register your interest for our next run now!

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Contact Us

For more information about this programme, please email us, and we will respond as soon as possible.

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