On 20 February 2020, the Singapore Ministry of Manpower through its Manpower Research & Statistics Department (MRSD) sealed an agreement to support SUSS’s Master of Applied Research in Social Sciences (MRESS) programme amongst other programmes through the delivery of guest lectures and teaching of its courses. SUSS and MRSD will also look into collaborative projects or activities in areas of mutual interest such as joint research and development; joint organisation and/or participation of conferences, seminars, symposia and/or lectures; development of classroom and/or online courses and programmes; and internship or attachment programmes.
The MRESS programme offers a master degree by research and is primarily designed for social science graduates who are interested in upgrading their qualifications, knowledge and skills. The programme leverages on the research expertise of the faculty in SUSS’s School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences, and draws from and integrates across the various social science disciplines. This enables students to adopt a broader perspective to social issues. Students can opt to focus on applied issues in social sciences or in positive psychology and well-being, while learning to translate their research skills and knowledge into applicable outputs and projects with real impact.