IPOS International and SUSS jointly offered full complimentary access to a nine-hour online training course on leveraging a company’s intellectual property (IP) assets for business growth, from 13 April 2020 to 4 May 2020, which coincided with Singapore’s COVID-19 circuit breaker period.
The course ‘Intellectual Property (IP) Essentials for Businesses’ highlighted the growing importance of IP and intangible assets (IA) as strategic business assets, and deals with fundamentals of IP and IA including brands, technologies, design, creations and data, among others.

"In times of uncertainty, all businesses need to navigate business risks and sharpen their competitive edge. At IPOS International, we believe in the tremendous potential for IP and IA to deliver economic and social benefit. We invite everyone to learn how to recognise and manage these assets to boost business growth and resilience, so that we are poised for success when the global economy emerges from the COVID-19 situation," said Dr Ming Tan, Managing Director, IPOS International.
The course, designed for current and aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners, helped participants identify the IP and IA that create value for their business. It also provided foundational knowledge in IP management and law to help business owners protect and manage what makes them unique.