The Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Studies is a four-year direct honours programme. The primary goal of this programme is to enhance students’ Chinese language skills and to provide an in-depth knowledge of Chinese linguistics, literature, history, and culture. The Chinese literature segment covers the evolution of literary works from classical to modern pieces, and the language courses provide students with comprehensive understanding of Chinese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and characters. By completing this programme, students will acquire the necessary skills and competencies for a rewarding and successful career.
Students can pursue Chinese Studies as a single major, or in combination with a minor(s) or second major, or free electives. The Chinese Studies programme offers a Minor in Chinese Language and Culture and a Minor in Chinese Literature.
学员需修满 200 个学分以达到毕业要求。学员可选择主修中文,并搭配任何一或两个副修,或自由选修课,或修读第二主修。中文课程提供了中华语言与文化,以及中华文学两个副修选项。