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Bachelor of Science in Business Analytics

Bachelor's Degree Programme

Bachelor of Science in Business Analytics


Register for our programme briefing session at the SUSS e-Open House on 31 Aug 2024 (Sat) to have your queries answered by our faculty. You can also watch our programme briefing video at your own time and attend enrichment talks by industry experts.

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The Bachelor of Science in Business Analytics is a four-year direct honours programme. Students are required to complete a total of 200 credit units (cu), inclusive of the SUSS Core courses. The Core courses harness interdisciplinary approaches and perspectives, and experiential learning to prepare graduates for complex and dynamic futures. By embracing change and leveraging disruption, graduates will make a positive impact on the world we live in. Students must also complete a 24-week work attachment, an overseas experience and a community engagement. Ultimately, the goal is to nurture graduates who demonstrate professional competence, social consciousness, and the motivation to learn for life.

Unique Features of the Programme
The programme offers an immersive learning experience where real-world data and examples are used as part of the applied learning approach. Every year, we invite students from JCs and Polys to experience our immersive training workshop and take part in the Analytics and Visualization Challenge. If you are interested, please visit this page. Similarly, existing students showcase their applied projects via the annual Analytics Innovation Forums. Additionally, the vibrant Business Analytics Student Interest Group actively organises enriching workshops and activities that promote both learning and bonding among students. Don't forget to read their newsletters here.

The programme offers an external course on “AI for Industry”, in collaboration with AI Singapore. Business Analytics degree students who have outstanding CUs under Major Electives can consider applying for this course. Note that this scheme is exclusively offered to students taking Business Analytics as the first-major only. More details are given in this file.

The programme allows students to acquire technical and interpersonal skills in the analytics major. Additionally, the flexible structure of the programme allows students to deepen or broaden their course selections to suit their personal preferences, interests, and career aspirations. Students may select a complementary second major, minor(s) and/or free electives. Here are some examples of how this can be achieved:

Course Selection Purpose Possible Job Role
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Second Major (60 cu)
Learn business and quantitative skills in analytics with accompanying hard skillsets in ICT. Data Engineer, Data Analytics Consultant, ICT Analyst,
Machine Learning Specialists, Technical Analyst, etc.

Second Major (60 cu)
Learn business and quantitative skills in analytics and then deepen in financial technology. Fintech Analyst, Risk Analyst, Blockchain Analyst, Fintech Product Consultant, etc.
Second Major (60 cu)
Combine analytics with marketing to develop a diverse range of hard and soft skills for different industries and job roles. Analysts in Digital Marketing, Customer Insights, Market Research, Products, and Sales, etc.
Finance + ICT
Dual Minors (60 cu)
Combine analytics with two highly sought after skillsets. Financial Data Analyst,
ICT Analyst, Financial Technology (FinTech) Analyst, etc.
Marketing Minor (30 cu)
+ Free Electives (30 cu)
Learn hard and soft skills in analytics and then deepen and broaden in other disciplines. Marketing Analyst, Business Intelligence Analyst, Marketing Operations Analyst, etc.

The curriculum presented on this page is only applicable to students who enroll in the programme from the July 2023 semester onwards.

Admission Requirements

Refer to general admission criteria for full-time undergraduate programmes.

There will be additional admission criteria to better target students who are aligned to the educational philosophy of our full-time programmes. This will be done through interviews and selection tests.

Financial Assistance

There are also various types of financial aid available to students who need financial assistance. Please click here for more details.

Programme Structure

Students pursuing the full-time programmes are required to complete 200 credit units (cu), which include:

Module Types
45 cu
5 cu
5 cu
5 cu
65 cu
0 to 15 cu
60 to 75 cu

(Students can use up to 60 cu to take minors or a second major.)

Graduates are trained in the application of a broad array of analytics techniques such as visualisation, data mining, text mining, statistics, forecasting and optimisation using analytics software so that they can apply them in a broad spectrum of organisations and sectors, including government, healthcare and medicine, community, business, social services – essentially any organisation with a lot of data that require analytical insights.

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