To graduate with the Master of Management, students are required to complete 60 cu of courses. There are two tracks in the Master of Management, namely the Management and Specialisation tracks.
The curriculum of the Management track comprises of Management courses (30 cu), a Management Consulting Project (10 cu) and Specialisation courses (20 cu), which can be replaced by up to 10 cu of Graduate Unrestricted Electives and/or MOOC Electives.
The curriculum of Specialisation track (30 cu) comprises of:
Students have to maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.0 in their coursework in order to obtain the degree.
Classes are conducted in the evenings during the weekdays, so students can continue to work in the day and study in the evening.
MMGT students are required to complete 60 cu of coursework. The management courses are based on a 2.5 cu configuration. The minimum candidature period is one (1) year and the maximum candidature period is four (4) years (average time taken is 1.5 to 2.5 years).
Application to the MMGT programme is open for both January and July intakes.
Regular Pathway
The regular pathway (MMGT) is open to Singapore citizens and permanent residents. Students on the regular MMGT pathway take a maximum 20 cu of courses per semester and complete the programme in maximum four (4) years.
Accelerated Pathway
The accelerated pathway (MMGT-A) is open to Singapore citizens and permanent residents who are not in full time employment, as well as international students. Students on the accelerated pathway take 30 cu of courses on average per semester and complete the MMGT programme in one (1) year. For international students on accelerated pathway, the MMGT programme can be completed in either 12 or 18 months, depending on the study plan.
Interested applicants should apply for the MMGT programme first, and will then be assessed during the admission interview on their suitability for the accelerated pathway, should they wish to embark on it.